## Setting up Participant VMs

First, check the common-vars for the following:


APT_PROXY: the address of a caching web proxy for installing packages
FLAVOR: the flavour of the new VM to launch.  Must have at least 4 CPUs, 8 GB RAM and 60 GB Disk.
PROJECT: The project ID in which to launch the new VM
SUBNET: the first three octets of the subnet to use.  IP addresses will be allocated from this subnet, starting with .101 - .199

### Creating ports
This script will create the ports in Openstack on the subnet specified

### Launching VM
This script will launch all the OSM VMs in a loop


### Initial Configuration
This script updates apt, upgrades the system to the latest 20.04 and installs remote desktop software


### Install OSM

This script downloads the installer and runs it.  It also sets the OSM admin password to `hackfest`.

### Add VIM and K8s Cluster
