vnfd: description: A VNF consisting of 1 VDU with cloud-init, and a monitoring ee df: - id: default-df instantiation-level: - id: default-instantiation-level vdu-level: - number-of-instances: 1 vdu-id: mgmtVM vdu-profile: - id: mgmtVM min-number-of-instances: 1 lcm-operations-configuration: operate-vnf-op-config: day1-2: - config-access: ssh-access: default-user: ubuntu required: true config-primitive: - execution-environment-primitive: touch execution-environment-ref: monitor name: touch parameter: - data-type: STRING default-value: /home/ubuntu/touched name: file-path - execution-environment-primitive: sleep execution-environment-ref: monitor name: sleep execution-environment-list: - external-connection-point-ref: vnf-mgmt-ext helm-chart: eechart id: monitor id: simple_ee-vnf initial-config-primitive: - execution-environment-ref: monitor name: config parameter: - name: ssh-hostname value: <rw_mgmt_ip> - name: ssh-username value: ubuntu - name: ssh-password value: osm2020 seq: '1' - execution-environment-ref: monitor name: touch parameter: - name: file-path value: /home/ubuntu/first-touch seq: '2' ext-cpd: - id: vnf-mgmt-ext int-cpd: cpd: mgmtVM-eth0-int vdu-id: mgmtVM id: simple_ee-vnf mgmt-cp: vnf-mgmt-ext product-name: simple_ee-vnf sw-image-desc: - id: ubuntu18.04 image: ubuntu18.04 name: ubuntu18.04 vdu: - cloud-init-file: cloud-config.txt id: mgmtVM int-cpd: - id: mgmtVM-eth0-int virtual-network-interface-requirement: - name: mgmtVM-eth0 position: 1 virtual-interface: type: PARAVIRT name: mgmtVM sw-image-desc: ubuntu18.04 virtual-compute-desc: mgmtVM-compute virtual-storage-desc: - mgmtVM-storage version: '1.0' virtual-compute-desc: - id: mgmtVM-compute virtual-cpu: num-virtual-cpu: 1 pinning: policy: static thread-policy: PREFER virtual-memory: mempage-size: LARGE numa-enabled: true numa-node-policy: mem-policy: STRICT node: - id: '1' node-cnt: '1' size: 1.0 virtual-storage-desc: - id: mgmtVM-storage size-of-storage: 20