vnfd-catalog: vnfd: - id: ubuntuvm_vnfmetric_autoscale_vnf name: ubuntuvm_vnfmetric_autoscale_vnf short-name: ubuntuvm_vnfmetric_autoscale_vnf description: Ubuntu VM with VNF metrics and load-based autoscaling connection-point: - name: vdu1_mgmt type: VPORT - name: vdu2_mgmt type: VPORT internal-vld: - id: internal internal-connection-point: - id-ref: vdu1_internal - id-ref: vdu2_internal name: internal short-name: internal type: ELAN mgmt-interface: cp: vdu1_mgmt vdu: - cloud-init-file: cloud_init count: 1 description: ubuntuvnfvdu1 id: ubuntuvnfvdu1 image: ubuntu interface: - external-connection-point-ref: vdu1_mgmt mgmt-interface: true name: vdu1_eth0 position: 1 type: EXTERNAL virtual-interface: type: VIRTIO - internal-connection-point-ref: vdu1_internal name: vdu1_eth1 position: 2 type: INTERNAL virtual-interface: type: VIRTIO internal-connection-point: - id: vdu1_internal name: vdu1_internal short-name: vdu1_internal type: VPORT name: ubuntuvnfvdu1 vm-flavor: memory-mb: 2048 storage-gb: 10 vcpu-count: 1 - cloud-init-file: cloud_init count: 1 description: ubuntuvdu2 id: ubuntuvdu2 image: ubuntu interface: - external-connection-point-ref: vdu2_mgmt mgmt-interface: true name: vdu2_eth0 position: 1 type: EXTERNAL virtual-interface: type: VIRTIO - internal-connection-point-ref: vdu2_internal name: vdu2_eth1 position: 2 type: INTERNAL virtual-interface: type: VIRTIO internal-connection-point: - id: vdu2_internal name: vdu2_internal short-name: vdu2_internal type: VPORT name: ubuntuvdu2 vm-flavor: memory-mb: 2048 storage-gb: 10 vcpu-count: 1 vendor: Whitestack version: '2.0' vnf-configuration: initial-config-primitive: - name: config parameter: - name: ssh-hostname value: <rw_mgmt_ip> - name: ssh-username value: ubuntu - name: ssh-password value: osm2018 seq: 1 juju: charm: testmetrics proxy: true metrics: - name: users - name: load - name: load_pct scaling-group-descriptor: - name: "ubuntuvnf_autoscale" min-instance-count: 0 max-instance-count: 3 scaling-policy: - name: "ubuntuvdu_load_pct_above_threshold" scaling-type: "automatic" threshold-time: 10 cooldown-time: 180 scaling-criteria: - name: "ubuntuvdu_load_pct_above_threshold" scale-in-threshold: 20 scale-in-relational-operation: "LT" scale-out-threshold: 80 scale-out-relational-operation: "GT" vnf-monitoring-param-ref: "ubuntuvdu_load_pct" vdu: - vdu-id-ref: ubuntuvnfvdu1 count: 1 monitoring-param: - id: "ubuntuvdu_users" name: "ubuntuvdu_users" aggregation-type: AVERAGE vnf-metric: vnf-metric-name-ref: "users" - id: "ubuntuvdu_load" name: "ubuntuvdu_load" aggregation-type: AVERAGE vnf-metric: vnf-metric-name-ref: "load" - id: "ubuntuvdu_load_pct" name: "ubuntuvdu_load_pct" aggregation-type: AVERAGE vnf-metric: vnf-metric-name-ref: "load_pct"