# Overview This is an example of an Open Source Mano (OSM) charm used with the Network Service (ns) example. Network Service charms are an **experimental** feature, expected to be released with OSM R6 in the spring of 2019. # Usage ## Known Limitations and Issues This not only helps users but gives people a place to start if they want to help you add features to your charm. # Configuration None # Contact Information ## Open Source Mano (OSM) - [OSM website](https://osm.etsi.org/) - [OSM bug tracker](https://osm.etsi.org/bugzilla/) - [OSM_TECH](mailto:OSM_TECH@list.etsi.org) mailing list - [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/opensourcemano/shared_invite/enQtMzQ3MzYzNTQ0NDIyLWJkMzRjNDM0MjFjODYzMGQ3ODIzMzJlNTg2ZGI5OTdiZjFiNDMyMzYxMjRjNDU4N2FmNjRjNzY5NTE1MjgzOTQ)