diff --git a/Hackfest_Demos/OSM-13/magma_orc_onboarding/README.md b/Hackfest_Demos/OSM-13/magma_orc_onboarding/README.md
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+++ b/Hackfest_Demos/OSM-13/magma_orc_onboarding/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Magma Orchestrator NS
+Descriptors that installs magma-orc8r using [Charmhub magma-orc8r bundle](https://charmhub.io/magma-orc8r?channel=beta)
+Orchestrator is a Magma service that provides a simple and consistent way to configure and monitor the wireless network securely.
+The metrics acquired through the platform allows you to see the analytics and traffic flows of the wireless users through the Magma web UI.
+For more information about Magma, see the official documentation [here](https://magmacore.org/).
+## Download Packages
+git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gitlab/vnf-onboarding/osm-packages.git
+cd osm-packages/Hackfest_Demos/OSM-13/
+## Create the VIM Account
+# This is dummy vim account
+export VIM_ACCOUNT=k8s-vim
+osm vim-create --name $VIM_ACCOUNT \
+               --account_type dummy \
+               --user dummy \
+                --password dummy \
+                --auth_url "http://dummy" \
+                --tenant dummy
+# Check the VIM account availability
+osm vim-list
+osm vim-show $VIM_ACCOUNT
+## Add K8s Cluster
+# kubeconfig.yaml exists in the HOME directory
+export k8s_net=<K8s cluster network>  # osm-ext
+export k8s_cls_name=k8s-cluster
+osm k8scluster-add --creds ~/kubeconfig.yaml \
+                     --vim k8s-vim \
+                     --k8s-nets "{k8s_net: $k8s_net}" \
+                     --version 1.24  \
+                     $k8s_cls_name
+# Check K8s cluster availability
+osm k8scluster-list
+osm k8scluster-show $k8s_cls_name          
+## Onboarding and instantiation
+# Define the NS name
+export NS_NAME=<ns name>
+osm nfpkg-create magma_orc_cnf
+osm nspkg-create magma_orc_cnf
+osm ns-create --ns_name $NS_NAME --nsd_name magma_orc_cnf_ns --vim_account $VIM_ACCOUNT --config "{vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: $k8s_net}]}"
+# Check NS status
+osm ns list
+## Download the Admin Operator Https Certificate
+juju scp --container="magma-orc8r-certifier" orc8r-certifier/0:/var/opt/magma/certs/admin_operator.pfx admin_operator.pfx
+# admin_operator.pfx file should appear in the local path
+## Run Day2 actions
+### Get the Admin Operator Https Certificate credentials
+OP_ID=`osm ns-action $NS_NAME --vnf_name magma_orc_cnf --kdu_name magma-orc-kdu --action_name get-pfx-package-password`
+osm ns-op-show $OP_ID
+# pfx_package pass appears in the operation output, please save it
+### Get the Magma Orchestrator GUI credentials
+OP_ID=`osm ns-action $NS_NAME --vnf_name magma_orc_cnf --kdu_name magma-orc-kdu --action_name get-master-admin-credentials`
+osm ns-op-show $OP_ID
+# admin-password and admin-username appear in the operation output, please save it
+### Get Load Balancer Services
+OP_ID=`osm ns-action $NS_NAME --vnf_name magma_orc_cnf --kdu_name magma-orc-kdu --action_name get-load-balancer-services`
+osm ns-op-show $OP_ID
+# Load Balancer service names and External IP's are visible in the action output.
+'nginx-proxy':              <nginx-proxy External IP>              ->   master.nms.osm.magma.com
+'orc8r-bootstrap-nginx':    <orc8r-bootstrap-nginx External IP>    ->   bootstrapper-controller.osm.magma.com
+'orc8r-clientcert-nginx':   <orc8r-clientcert-nginx External IP>   ->   controller.osm.magma.com
+'orc8r-nginx-proxy':        <orc8r-nginx-proxy External IP>        ->   api.osm.magma.com
+### User a DNS server register following Domains
+# Register the domains in PowerDNS server by running day2 actions:
+# Sample registration for api.osm.magma.com
+IP=<orc8r-nginx-proxy External IP> 
+# Test your records availability
+# DNS_IP is your DNS server ip which is available as an environment variable.
+dig @${DNS_IP} +tcp api.osm.magma.com
+## Change the DNS Server in your machine
+echo "nameserver ${DNS_IP}" | tee -a  /etc/resolv.conf
+## Access to Magma Orchestrator GUI
+Open the browser and import the admin_operator.pfx using certificate import.
+When it asks you a password, please enter pfx_package pass.
+Try to reach following URL using your browser: https://master.nms.osm.magma.com.
+Use the admin-username and admin-password to login.