diff --git a/multivdu_multiattach_ns/multivdu_multiattach_nsd.yaml b/multivdu_multiattach_ns/multivdu_multiattach_nsd.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d21fbdabbd2b03ca43bc4eaec1f6df66a7fab6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multivdu_multiattach_ns/multivdu_multiattach_nsd.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  nsd:
+    - description: Simple NS with a single VNF and a single VL
+      df:
+        - id: default-df
+          vnf-profile:
+            - id: vnf
+              virtual-link-connectivity:
+                - constituent-cpd-id:
+                    - constituent-base-element-id: vnf
+                      constituent-cpd-id: vnf-cp0-ext
+                  virtual-link-profile-id: mgmtnet
+                - constituent-cpd-id:
+                    - constituent-base-element-id: vnf
+                      constituent-cpd-id: vnf-cp1-ext
+                  virtual-link-profile-id: mgmtnet
+              vnfd-id: multivdu_multiattach-vnf
+      id: multivdu_multiattach-ns
+      name: multivdu_multiattach-ns
+      version: 1
+      virtual-link-desc:
+        - id: mgmtnet
+          mgmt-network: true
+      vnfd-id:
+        - multivdu_multiattach-vnf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/multivdu_multiattach_vnf/icons/osm.png b/multivdu_multiattach_vnf/icons/osm.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62012d2a2b491bdcd536d62c3c3c863c0d8c1b33
Binary files /dev/null and b/multivdu_multiattach_vnf/icons/osm.png differ
diff --git a/multivdu_multiattach_vnf/multivdu_multiattach_vnfd.yaml b/multivdu_multiattach_vnf/multivdu_multiattach_vnfd.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89cdf3e9bc4b8f43eff57c3cb980631db749257b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multivdu_multiattach_vnf/multivdu_multiattach_vnfd.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+  description: A VNF consisting of 2 VDUs sharing a volume
+  df:
+  - id: default-df
+    instantiation-level:
+    - id: default-instantiation-level
+      vdu-level:
+      - number-of-instances: 1
+        vdu-id: mgmtVM
+      - number-of-instances: 1
+        vdu-id: dataVM  
+    vdu-profile:
+    - id: mgmtVM
+      min-number-of-instances: 1
+    - id: dataVM
+      min-number-of-instances: 1
+  ext-cpd:
+  - id: vnf-cp0-ext
+    int-cpd:
+      cpd: vdu-eth0-int
+      vdu-id: mgmtVM
+  - id: vnf-cp1-ext
+    int-cpd:
+      cpd: vdu-eth0-int
+      vdu-id: dataVM
+  id: multivdu_multiattach-vnf
+  mgmt-cp: vnf-cp0-ext
+  product-name: multivdu_multiattach-vnf
+  sw-image-desc:
+  - id: ubuntu18.04
+    name: ubuntu18.04
+    image: ubuntu18.04
+  - id: ubuntu18.04-aws
+    name: ubuntu18.04-aws
+    image: ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-artful-17.10-amd64-server-20180509
+    vim-type: aws
+  - id: ubuntu18.04-azure
+    name: ubuntu18.04-azure
+    image: Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:latest
+    vim-type: azure
+  - id: ubuntu18.04-gcp
+    name: ubuntu18.04-gcp
+    image: ubuntu-os-cloud:image-family:ubuntu-1804-lts
+    vim-type: gcp
+  vdu:
+  - id: mgmtVM
+    name: mgmtVM
+    sw-image-desc: ubuntu18.04
+    alternative-sw-image-desc:
+    - ubuntu18.04-aws
+    - ubuntu18.04-azure
+    - ubuntu18.04-gcp
+    virtual-compute-desc: multivdu-compute
+    virtual-storage-desc:
+    - root-volume        
+    - shared
+    int-cpd:
+    - id: vdu-eth0-int
+      virtual-network-interface-requirement:
+      - name: vdu-eth0
+        virtual-interface:
+          type: PARAVIRT
+  - cloud-init: |
+        #cloud-config
+        password: osmpass
+        chpasswd: { expire: False }
+        ssh_pwauth: True 
+    id: dataVM
+    name: dataVM
+    sw-image-desc: ubuntu18.04
+    alternative-sw-image-desc:
+    - ubuntu18.04-aws
+    - ubuntu18.04-azure
+    - ubuntu18.04-gcp
+    virtual-compute-desc: multivdu-compute
+    virtual-storage-desc:
+    - root-volume
+    - shared
+    int-cpd:
+    - id: vdu-eth0-int
+      virtual-network-interface-requirement:
+      - name: vdu-eth0
+        virtual-interface:
+          type: PARAVIRT        
+  version: 1.0
+  virtual-compute-desc:
+  - id: multivdu-compute
+    virtual-cpu:
+      num-virtual-cpu: 1
+    virtual-memory:
+      size: 1.0
+  virtual-storage-desc:
+  - id: root-volume
+    size-of-storage: 5
+  - id: shared
+    type-of-storage: persistent-storage
+    size-of-storage: 10
+    vdu-storage-requirements:
+    - key: multiattach
+      value: true