# OSM test automation project - osm/tests This repository contains tools and configuration files for testing and automation needs of OSM projet ## Prerequisites - **Robot Framework** - **Packages**: ssh ping yq git - **Python3 packages**: haikunator requests robotframework robotframework-seleniumlibrary robotframework-requests robotframework-jsonlibrary robotframework-sshlibrary - Clone **osm-packages** from gitlab - Environment config file for your infrastructure `envfile.rc` ## Installing This bash script can be used to setup your environment to execute the tests. ```bash python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt python3 -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt # Download community packages PACKAGES_FOLDER=osm-packages git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gitlab/vnf-onboarding/osm-packages.git ${PACKAGES_FOLDER} ``` Configure a file `envfile.rc` copying from `envconfig-local.rc` and set the required variables ```bash # VIM Setup OS_USERNAME= OS_PASSWORD= OS_TENANT_NAME= OS_AUTH_URL= OS_TENANT_ID= # OSM Setup OSM_HOSTNAME= VIM_TARGET= VIM_MGMT_NET= # Clouds file datacenter OS_CLOUD= # SDNCs file OS_SDNC= # K8S config file K8S_CREDENTIALS= # The following set of environment variables will be used in host # of the robot framework. Not needed for docker execution # Folder where Robot tests are stored ROBOT_DEVOPS_FOLDER=robot-systest # Folder to save alternative DUT environments (optional) ENVIRONMENTS_FOLDER=environments # Folder where all required packages are stored PACKAGES_FOLDER=osm-packages # Folder where test results should be exported ROBOT_REPORT_FOLDER=results ``` ## Running the tests ### From the host machine If you have installed all the dependecnies, the way of executing the tests is via the following command: ```bash source envfile.rc robot -d reports -i testsuite/ ``` ### From docker container It is possible to run the tests directly from the repository or using a docker container with the tests. Create the docker container: ```bash docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t osmtests . ``` Options: - `--env-file`: It is the environmental file where is described the OSM target and VIM - `-o ` [OPTIONAL]: It is used to specify a particular osmclient version. Default: latest - `-p ` [OPTIONAL]: OSM packages repository branch. Default: master - `-t ` [OPTIONAL]: Robot tests tags. [sanity, regression, particular_test]. Default: sanity Volumes: - [OPTIONAL]: It is the absolute path to reports location in the host - [OPTIONAL]: It is the absolute path to the clouds.yaml file in the host - [OPTIONAL]: It is the absolute path to the sdncs.yaml file in the host - [OPTIONAL]: It is the kubeconfig file to be used for k8s clusters Then, run the tests: ```bash docker run --rm=true -t osmtests --env-file \ -v :/reports osmtests \ -v :/robot-systest/clouds.yaml \ -v :/robot-systest/sdncs.yaml \ -v :/root/.kube/config \ -o \ -p \ -t ``` ### From an environment identical to OSM CICD ````bash git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/devops git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/IM git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/osmclient git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/tests # run HTTP server to server artifacts devops/tools/local-build.sh --install-qhttpd # generate debian packages locally that will be served by the HTTP server devops/tools/local-build.sh --module IM,osmclient,tests stage-2 # create docker image and store it locally as opensourcemano/tests:devel devops/tools/local-build.sh --module tests ``` Then, run the tests: ```bash docker run --rm=true -t osmtests --env-file \ -v :/reports osmtests \ -v :/robot-systest/clouds.yaml \ -v :/robot-systest/sdncs.yaml \ -v :/root/.kube/config \ -o \ -p \ -t ``` ## Test tags All tests in the testsuites have tags. Tags allow to run only a set of tests identified by a tag. Several tags can be specified when running robot in the following way: ```bash robot -i -i testsuite/ ``` The following tags exist for each testsuite: - A tag per testsuite using its mnemonic (e.g. `basic_01`) - Cluster tag for each of the statistically similar tests: - `cluster_main`: `basic_01`, `basic_05`, `basic_08`, `basic_09`, `basic_15`, `basic_16`, `basic_17`, `hackfest_basic`, `hackfest_multivdu`, `hackfest_cloudinit`, `quotas_01` - `cluster_ee_config`: `basic_06`, `basic_07`, `basic_11`, `basic_12`, `basic_13`, `basic_14`, `k8s_05`, `k8s_06` - `cluster_relations`: `basic_11`, `basic_13`, `basic_14` - `cluster_epa`: `epa_01`, `epa_02`, `epa_03`, `epa_04`, `epa_05` - `cluster_k8s`: `k8s_01`, `k8s_02`, `k8s_03`, `k8s_04`, `k8s_05`, `k8s06`, `k8s_07`, `k8s_08`, `k8s_09`, `k8s_10`, `k8s_11`, `sa_08` - `cluster_k8s_charms`: `k8s_05`, `k8s_06` - `cluster_sa`: `sa_01`, `sa_02`, `sa_07` - `cluster_slices`: `slice_01`, `slice_02` - daily: for all testsuites that will run in the daily job - regression: for all testsuites that should pass in the current stable branch - sanity: for all testsuites that should be passed by each commit in the stage3 to be successfully verified by Jenkins, currently `basic_07`, `basic_11`, `k8s_03`, `k8s_04`, `sa_02`, `hackfest_basic`, `hackfest_cloudinit` In addition, the tag "cleanup" exists in those tests that perform any deletion. In that way, it can be invoked to retry the deletion if the tests were forcefully stopped. - For helping in the migration tests and other scenarios in which you don't want to destroy the deployments immediately, the following tags are used: - prepare: for the tests that are used to deploy the network services under test - verify: for the tests that perform the actual testing, or changes for additional verifications (e.g. scaling). - cleanup: already described above. So, for instance, you could first deploy a number of network services executing the tests with "prepare" tag, migrate to another OSM version, and then check the behavior executing with the "verify" tag. Finally, use the "cleanup" tag. ## Post-processing Robot output files The output files of Robot include tyipically three files: - `report.html`: overview of the test execution results in HTML format - `log.html`: details about the executed test cases in HTML format - `output.xml`: all the test execution results in machine readable XML format More information about these files [here](https://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#output-file). It is possible to use the tool `rebot`, included as part of the Robot Framework, to post-process the output file `output.xml`. ```bash # To re-generate log and report from output.xml: rebot [-d ] output.xml # To re-generate log and report (and optionally new output.xml) to include only certain tags: rebot [-d ] -i -i ... -i [-o ] output.xml # To re-generate log and report (and optionally new output.xml) excluding certain tags: rebot [-d ] -e -e ... -e [-o ] output.xml # To merge several test executions: rebot [-d ] --merge output1.xml output2.xml ... outputN.xml ``` More information about post-processing Robot output files [here](https://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#post-processing-outputs) ## Built With * [Python](www.python.org/) - The language used * [Robot Framework](robotframework.org) - The testing framework ## Contributing Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us. ## Versioning We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](https://osm.etsi.org/gitweb/?p=osm/tests.git;a=tags). ## License This project is licensed under the Apache2 License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE) file for details