Feature request: Centralized VCA for KNFs
Centralized VCA for KNFs
- David García
Target MDG/TF
N2VC, LCM (minimal changes)
Make the VCA aware of the added k8sclusters in OSM, rather than bootstrap juju controllers to the k8sclusters
Current workflow:
- NBI gets a request to add a k8s cluster (osmclient:
osm k8scluster-add
) - LCM handles the request 2.1. Initializes helm-charm in the k8scluster 2.2. Initializes juju-bundle in the k8scluster 2.2.1. Use the k8s credentials to bootstrap a juju controller to the k8scluster 2.2.2. Store the juju controller credentials in mongodb
Proposed workflow:
- NBI gets a request to add a k8s cluster (osmclient:
osm k8scluster-add
) (no change) - LCM handles the request 2.1. Initializes helm-charm in the k8scluster (no change) 2.2. Initializes juju-bundle in the k8scluster 2.2.1. Use the k8s credentials to add the k8s cluster as another cloud in the VCA
Demo or definition of done
This feature is considered complete when any k8scluster added to OSM is added as a cloud to the VCA, and the juju-bundles kdus are deployed to the k8scluster successfully.