When "Exec NS Primitive" command is selected form the Actions list of an NS Instance row in "NS Instances" page, "Perform Action" pop-up page comes. But all the fields are text boxes. So we need to check VNFDs to fill in that text boxes. Instead of it, th
List Boxes For Perform Action Window
Tolga Gölelçin (Telenity)
Target MDG/TF
When "Exec NS Primitive" command is selected form the Actions list of an NS Instance row in "NS Instances" page, "Perform Action" pop-up page comes. But all the fields are text boxes. So we need to check VNFDs to fill in that text boxes. Instead of it, there should be possible to populate the list boxes for NS Primitives and their paremeters from the VNFDs.
Demo or definition of done
"Exec NS Primitive" command is selected form the Actions list of an NS Instance row in "NS Instances" page. "Perform Action" pop-up windows is opened. Near the "Primitive" label instead of text box there will be a list box populated from the all VNFDs And it will be filled with Primitive actions from all VDU/VNF Configurations in all VNFDs. When it is selected the list box near the "VNF Member index" label may be set automatically. Or if the "VNF Member" is selected from the "VNF Member index" list box only the the Primitives from that VNFD will be populated in "Primitive" list box. Under the "Primitive parameters :" label the parameters can be already added by "+" command button. But the text box near the "Name" label will be again a list box which is populated according to Primitive selected. The text box near the "Value" label will remained as original. So in this way it will be more fast to trigger a primitive actionn via UI.