openEBS support for managing volumes of OSM services
openEBS support for K8 based orchestration of OSM Services
Prabhunath G (Tata Elxsi)
Target MDG/TF
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Kubernetes orchestration of OSM Services has shortcomings in providing HA/resiliency for the Volumes used by Stateful containers. Hence K8s is suplemented by openEBS. openEBS associates containers to the passive volumes and also can create replication sets for these Volumes-container combo. This concept is termed as Container Attached Storage (CAS). openEBS is the controller for all CAS. There exists CAS for the each volume instance created/maintained as part of OSM. DataBases like MongoDB and mySQL are released in the purview of Volumes. Hence CAS helps in restoring DataBases across re-scheduling of the associated Statefulset containers
Demo or definition of done
- verify the volume controller pods(CAS) mapped to PVC of the respective Statefulsets pods. These Volume controller pods will be in the running state. Following command can be executed in the master node to verify
$ kubectl get pods