Monitoring for Slice
- Tolga Gölelçin (Telenity)
In "GR NFV-EVE 012 - V3.1.1 - Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 3; Evolution and Ecosystem; Report on Network Slicing Support with ETSI NFV Architecture Framework" document in section "6.1.1 Reference points and/or interfaces" it is mentioned about monitoring NSIs. So in OSM, it seems Slices should be able to be monitored as well such that metrics of a Slice is derived from the monitoring definitons of NSDs composed.
Demo or definition of done
In NST there will be some summary definitions for the overall metrics that will be calculated from the NSDs having metric definitions. After the NST is instantiated as an NSI, the Grafana will show the metrics for that NSI as well where the metrics are calculated from the VNF metrics of NS composed.
Edited by tolgagolelci