#!/bin/bash # # This script will create xenial and trusty lxd images that will be used by the # lxd provider in juju 2.1+ It is for use with the lxd provider for local # development and preinstalls a common set of production packages. # # This dramatically speeds up the install hooks for lxd deploys by # pre-installing common packages. It is intended to run daily as part of # a cron job. set -eux # The basic charm layer also installs all the things. 47 packages. LAYER_BASIC="gcc build-essential python3-pip python3-setuptools libyaml-dev python3-yaml python3-dev" # the basic layer also installs virtualenv, but the name changed in xenial. TRUSTY_PACKAGES="python-virtualenv" XENIAL_PACKAGES="virtualenv" # Predownload common packages used by your charms in development DOWNLOAD_PACKAGES="" PACKAGES="$LAYER_BASIC $DOWNLOAD_PACKAGES" # Packages from pypi to pre-install PYPI="charms.reactive charmhelpers paramiko>=1.16.0,<1.17" function cache() { series=$1 container=juju-${series}-base alias=juju/$series/amd64 lxc delete $container -f || true lxc launch ubuntu:$series $container # Wait for the container to get an IP address lxc exec $container -- bash -c "for i in {1..60}; do sleep 1; ping -c1 &> /dev/null && break; done" # Wait for cloud-init to finish lxc exec $container -- bash -c "while [ ! -f /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished ]; do sleep 1; done" lxc exec $container -- apt-get update -y lxc exec $container -- apt-get upgrade -y lxc exec $container -- apt-get install -y $PACKAGES $2 lxc exec $container -- pip3 install --upgrade pip lxc exec $container -- pip3 install --upgrade $PYPI lxc stop $container lxc image delete $alias || true lxc publish $container --alias $alias description="$series juju dev image ($(date +%Y%m%d))" lxc delete $container -f || true } cache trusty "$TRUSTY_PACKAGES" cache xenial "$XENIAL_PACKAGES"