#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2019 ETSI # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. WAIT_TIME=340 # LCM healthcheck needs 2x(30+140) senconds SERVICES_WITH_HEALTH="nbi ro zookeeper lcm mon light-ui pol kafka" NUM_SERVICES_WITH_HEALTH=$(echo $SERVICES_WITH_HEALTH | wc -w) WAIT_FINAL=30 OSM_DEPLOYMENT="light-ui nbi lcm ro mon pol keystone" OSM_STATEFULSET="zookeeper kafka mongo mysql prometheus" NUM_K8S_PODS=$(echo $OSM_DEPLOYMENT $OSM_STATEFULSET | wc -w) while getopts "w:s:n:c:k" o; do case "${o}" in w) WAIT_TIME=${OPTARG} ;; s) STACK_NAME=${OPTARG} ;; n) NUM_SERVICES_WITH_HEALTH=${OPTARG} ;; c) SERVICES_WITH_HEALTH="${OPTARG}" ;; k) KUBERNETES="y" ;; esac done time=0 step=2 while [ $time -le "$WAIT_TIME" ]; do if [ -n "$KUBERNETES" ]; then if [ "$(kubectl get pods -n "${STACK_NAME}" | grep -i running | wc -l)" -ge "$NUM_K8S_PODS" ]; then #all pods are running now. sleep $WAIT_FINAL exit 0 fi else if [ "$(sg docker -c "docker ps" | grep " ${STACK_NAME}_" | grep -i healthy | wc -l)" -ge "$NUM_SERVICES_WITH_HEALTH" ]; then # all dockers are healthy now. # final sleep is needed until more health checks are added to validate system is ready to handle requests sleep $WAIT_FINAL exit 0 fi fi sleep $step time=$((time+step)) done if [ -n "$KUBERNETES" ]; then echo "Not all pods are running" kubectl get pods -n "${STACK_NAME}" for POD in $OSM_DEPLOYMENT $OSM_STATEFULSET; do kubectl get pods -n "${STACK_NAME}" | grep -i running | grep -q ^"${POD}-" && continue echo echo BEGIN LOGS of pods ${POD} not running LOG_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n "${STACK_NAME}" | grep -e ^"${POD}-" | awk '{print $1}' ) [ -z "$LOG_POD" ] && echo "${POD} Failed to deploy" || kubectl logs ${LOG_POD} -n $STACK_NAME 2>&1 | tail -n 100 echo END LOGS of services $POD not running done else echo "Not all Docker services are healthy" sg docker -c "docker ps" | grep " ${STACK_NAME}_" for S_WITH_HEALTH in $SERVICES_WITH_HEALTH ; do sg docker -c "docker ps" | grep " ${STACK_NAME}_" | grep -i healthy | grep -q "_${S_WITH_HEALTH}." && continue echo echo BEGIN LOGS of container ${S_WITH_HEALTH} not healthy sg docker -c "docker service logs ${STACK_NAME}_${S_WITH_HEALTH} 2>&1" | tail -n 100 echo END LOGS of container ${S_WITH_HEALTH} not healthy echo done fi exit 1