#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo S.A.U. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. function usage(){ echo -e "usage: $0 [OPTIONS]" echo -e "Install OSM from binaries or source code (by default, from binaries)" echo -e " OPTIONS" echo -e " --uninstall: uninstall OSM: remove the containers and delete NAT rules" echo -e " --source: install OSM from source code using the latest stable tag" echo -e " -r : use specified repository name for osm packages" echo -e " -R : use specified release for osm binaries (deb packages, lxd images, ...)" echo -e " -u : use specified repository url for osm packages" echo -e " -k : use specified repository public key url" echo -e " -b : install OSM from source code using a specific branch (master, v2.0, ...) or tag" echo -e " -b master (main dev branch)" echo -e " -b v2.0 (v2.0 branch)" echo -e " -b tags/v1.1.0 (a specific tag)" echo -e " ..." echo -e " --lxdimages: download lxd images from OSM repository instead of creating them from scratch" echo -e " -l : use specified repository url for lxd images" echo -e " -p : use specified repository path for lxd images" echo -e " --lightweight: install lightweight build of OSM (default installation)" echo -e " --soui: install classic build of OSM (Rel THREE v3.1, based on LXD containers, with SO and UI)" echo -e " --vimemu: additionally deploy the VIM emulator as a docker container" echo -e " --elk_stack: additionally deploy an ELK docker stack for event logging" echo -e " --pm_stack: additionally deploy a Prometheus+Grafana stack for performance monitoring (PM)" echo -e " -o : do not install OSM, but ONLY one of the addons (vimemu, elk_stack, pm_stack) (assumes OSM is already installed)" echo -e " --develop: (deprecated, use '-b master') install OSM from source code using the master branch" # echo -e " --reconfigure: reconfigure the modules (DO NOT change NAT rules)" echo -e " --nat: install only NAT rules" echo -e " --noconfigure: DO NOT install osmclient, DO NOT install NAT rules, DO NOT configure modules" # echo -e " --update: update to the latest stable release or to the latest commit if using a specific branch" echo -e " --showopts: print chosen options and exit (only for debugging)" echo -e " -y: do not prompt for confirmation, assumes yes" echo -e " -D use local devops installation path" echo -e " -h / --help: print this help" } #Uninstall OSM: remove containers function uninstall(){ echo -e "\nUninstalling OSM" if [ $RC_CLONE ] || [ -n "$TEST_INSTALLER" ]; then $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/clean_container RO $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/clean_container VCA $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/clean_container MON $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/clean_container SO #$OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/clean_container UI else lxc stop RO && lxc delete RO lxc stop VCA && lxc delete VCA lxc stop MON && lxc delete MON lxc stop SO-ub && lxc delete SO-ub fi echo -e "\nDeleting imported lxd images if they exist" lxc image show osm-ro &>/dev/null && lxc image delete osm-ro lxc image show osm-vca &>/dev/null && lxc image delete osm-vca lxc image show osm-soui &>/dev/null && lxc image delete osm-soui return 0 } #Uninstall lightweight OSM: remove dockers function uninstall_lightweight(){ echo -e "\nUninstalling lightweight OSM" docker stack rm osm COUNTER=0 result=11 while [ ${COUNTER} -lt 30 ]; do sleep 1 result=$(docker stack ps osm | wc -l) #echo "Dockers running: $result" if [ "${result}" == "0" ]; then break fi let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 done if [ "${result}" == "0" ]; then echo "All dockers of the stack osm were removed" else FATAL "Some dockers of the stack osm could not be removed. Could not uninstall OSM in single shot. Try to uninstall again" fi sleep 5 docker image rm osm/ro docker image rm osm/lcm docker image rm osm/light-ui docker image rm osm/nbi docker image rm osm/mon docker image rm osm/pm return 0 } #Configure NAT rules, based on the current IP addresses of containers function nat(){ echo -e "\nChecking required packages: iptables-persistent" dpkg -l iptables-persistent &>/dev/null || ! echo -e " Not installed.\nInstalling iptables-persistent requires root privileges" || \ sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -yq install iptables-persistent echo -e "\nConfiguring NAT rules" echo -e " Required root privileges" sudo $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/nat_osm } function FATAL(){ echo "FATAL error: Cannot install OSM due to \"$1\"" exit 1 } #Update RO, SO and UI: function update(){ echo -e "\nUpdating components" echo -e " Updating RO" CONTAINER="RO" MDG="RO" INSTALL_FOLDER="/opt/openmano" echo -e " Fetching the repo" lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER fetch --all BRANCH="" BRANCH=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER status -sb | head -n1 | sed -n 's/^## \(.*\).*/\1/p'|awk '{print $1}' |sed 's/\(.*\)\.\.\..*/\1/'` [ -z "$BRANCH" ] && FATAL "Could not find the current branch in use in the '$MDG'" CURRENT=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER status |head -n1` CURRENT_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-parse HEAD` echo " FROM: $CURRENT ($CURRENT_COMMIT_ID)" # COMMIT_ID either was previously set with -b option, or is an empty string CHECKOUT_ID=$COMMIT_ID [ -z "$CHECKOUT_ID" ] && [ "$BRANCH" == "HEAD" ] && CHECKOUT_ID="tags/$LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS" [ -z "$CHECKOUT_ID" ] && [ "$BRANCH" != "HEAD" ] && CHECKOUT_ID="$BRANCH" if [[ $CHECKOUT_ID == "tags/"* ]]; then REMOTE_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-list -n 1 $CHECKOUT_ID` else REMOTE_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-parse origin/$CHECKOUT_ID` fi echo " TO: $CHECKOUT_ID ($REMOTE_COMMIT_ID)" if [ "$CURRENT_COMMIT_ID" == "$REMOTE_COMMIT_ID" ]; then echo " Nothing to be done." else echo " Update required." lxc exec $CONTAINER -- service osm-ro stop lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C /opt/openmano stash lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C /opt/openmano pull --rebase lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C /opt/openmano checkout $CHECKOUT_ID lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C /opt/openmano stash pop lxc exec $CONTAINER -- /opt/openmano/database_utils/migrate_mano_db.sh lxc exec $CONTAINER -- service osm-ro start fi echo echo -e " Updating SO and UI" CONTAINER="SO-ub" MDG="SO" INSTALL_FOLDER="" # To be filled in echo -e " Fetching the repo" lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER fetch --all BRANCH="" BRANCH=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER status -sb | head -n1 | sed -n 's/^## \(.*\).*/\1/p'|awk '{print $1}' |sed 's/\(.*\)\.\.\..*/\1/'` [ -z "$BRANCH" ] && FATAL "Could not find the current branch in use in the '$MDG'" CURRENT=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER status |head -n1` CURRENT_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-parse HEAD` echo " FROM: $CURRENT ($CURRENT_COMMIT_ID)" # COMMIT_ID either was previously set with -b option, or is an empty string CHECKOUT_ID=$COMMIT_ID [ -z "$CHECKOUT_ID" ] && [ "$BRANCH" == "HEAD" ] && CHECKOUT_ID="tags/$LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS" [ -z "$CHECKOUT_ID" ] && [ "$BRANCH" != "HEAD" ] && CHECKOUT_ID="$BRANCH" if [[ $CHECKOUT_ID == "tags/"* ]]; then REMOTE_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-list -n 1 $CHECKOUT_ID` else REMOTE_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-parse origin/$CHECKOUT_ID` fi echo " TO: $CHECKOUT_ID ($REMOTE_COMMIT_ID)" if [ "$CURRENT_COMMIT_ID" == "$REMOTE_COMMIT_ID" ]; then echo " Nothing to be done." else echo " Update required." # Instructions to be added # lxc exec SO-ub -- ... fi echo echo -e "Updating MON Container" CONTAINER="MON" MDG="MON" INSTALL_FOLDER="/root/MON" echo -e " Fetching the repo" lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER fetch --all BRANCH="" BRANCH=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER status -sb | head -n1 | sed -n 's/^## \(.*\).*/\1/p'|awk '{print $1}' |sed 's/\(.*\)\.\.\..*/\1/'` [ -z "$BRANCH" ] && FATAL "Could not find the current branch in use in the '$MDG'" CURRENT=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER status |head -n1` CURRENT_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-parse HEAD` echo " FROM: $CURRENT ($CURRENT_COMMIT_ID)" # COMMIT_ID either was previously set with -b option, or is an empty string CHECKOUT_ID=$COMMIT_ID [ -z "$CHECKOUT_ID" ] && [ "$BRANCH" == "HEAD" ] && CHECKOUT_ID="tags/$LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS" [ -z "$CHECKOUT_ID" ] && [ "$BRANCH" != "HEAD" ] && CHECKOUT_ID="$BRANCH" if [[ $CHECKOUT_ID == "tags/"* ]]; then REMOTE_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-list -n 1 $CHECKOUT_ID` else REMOTE_COMMIT_ID=`lxc exec $CONTAINER -- git -C $INSTALL_FOLDER rev-parse origin/$CHECKOUT_ID` fi echo " TO: $CHECKOUT_ID ($REMOTE_COMMIT_ID)" if [ "$CURRENT_COMMIT_ID" == "$REMOTE_COMMIT_ID" ]; then echo " Nothing to be done." else echo " Update required." fi echo } function so_is_up() { if [ -n "$1" ]; then SO_IP=$1 else SO_IP=`lxc list SO-ub -c 4|grep eth0 |awk '{print $2}'` fi time=0 step=5 timelength=300 while [ $time -le $timelength ] do if [[ `curl -k -X GET https://$SO_IP:8008/api/operational/vcs/info \ -H 'accept: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ -H 'authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' 2> /dev/null | jq '.[].components.component_info[] | select(.component_name=="RW.Restconf")' 2>/dev/null | grep "RUNNING" | wc -l` -eq 1 ]] then echo "RW.Restconf running....SO is up" return 0 fi sleep $step echo -n "." time=$((time+step)) done FATAL "OSM Failed to startup. SO failed to startup" } function vca_is_up() { if [[ `lxc exec VCA -- juju status | grep "osm" | wc -l` -eq 1 ]]; then echo "VCA is up and running" return 0 fi FATAL "OSM Failed to startup. VCA failed to startup" } function mon_is_up() { if [[ `curl http://$RO_IP:9090/openmano/ | grep "works" | wc -l` -eq 1 ]]; then echo "MON is up and running" return 0 fi FATAL "OSM Failed to startup. MON failed to startup" } function ro_is_up() { if [ -n "$1" ]; then RO_IP=$1 else RO_IP=`lxc list RO -c 4|grep eth0 |awk '{print $2}'` fi time=0 step=2 timelength=20 while [ $time -le $timelength ]; do if [[ `curl http://$RO_IP:9090/openmano/ | grep "works" | wc -l` -eq 1 ]]; then echo "RO is up and running" return 0 fi sleep $step echo -n "." time=$((time+step)) done FATAL "OSM Failed to startup. RO failed to startup" } function configure_RO(){ . $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/export_ips echo -e " Configuring RO" lxc exec RO -- sed -i -e "s/^\#\?log_socket_host:.*/log_socket_host: $SO_CONTAINER_IP/g" /etc/osm/openmanod.cfg lxc exec RO -- service osm-ro restart ro_is_up lxc exec RO -- openmano tenant-delete -f osm >/dev/null lxc exec RO -- openmano tenant-create osm > /dev/null lxc exec RO -- sed -i '/export OPENMANO_TENANT=osm/d' .bashrc lxc exec RO -- sed -i '$ i export OPENMANO_TENANT=osm' .bashrc lxc exec RO -- sh -c 'echo "export OPENMANO_TENANT=osm" >> .bashrc' } function configure_VCA(){ echo -e " Configuring VCA" JUJU_PASSWD=`date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32` echo -e "$JUJU_PASSWD\n$JUJU_PASSWD" | lxc exec VCA -- juju change-user-password } function configure_SOUI(){ . $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/export_ips JUJU_CONTROLLER_IP=`lxc exec VCA -- lxc list -c 4 |grep eth0 |awk '{print $2}'` RO_TENANT_ID=`lxc exec RO -- openmano tenant-list osm |awk '{print $1}'` echo -e " Configuring MON" #Information to be added about SO socket for logging echo -e " Configuring SO" sudo route add -host $JUJU_CONTROLLER_IP gw $VCA_CONTAINER_IP sudo ip route add via $VCA_CONTAINER_IP sudo sed -i "$ i route add -host $JUJU_CONTROLLER_IP gw $VCA_CONTAINER_IP" /etc/rc.local sudo sed -i "$ i ip route add via $VCA_CONTAINER_IP" /etc/rc.local # make journaling persistent lxc exec SO-ub -- mkdir -p /var/log/journal lxc exec SO-ub -- systemd-tmpfiles --create --prefix /var/log/journal lxc exec SO-ub -- systemctl restart systemd-journald echo RIFT_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS=$DEFAULT_IP | lxc exec SO-ub -- tee -a /usr/rift/etc/default/launchpad lxc exec SO-ub -- systemctl restart launchpad so_is_up $SO_CONTAINER_IP #delete existing config agent (could be there on reconfigure) curl -k --request DELETE \ --url https://$SO_CONTAINER_IP:8008/api/config/config-agent/account/osmjuju \ --header 'accept: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ --header 'authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/vnd.yang.data+json' &> /dev/null result=$(curl -k --request POST \ --url https://$SO_CONTAINER_IP:8008/api/config/config-agent \ --header 'accept: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ --header 'authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ --data '{"account": [ { "name": "osmjuju", "account-type": "juju", "juju": { "ip-address": "'$JUJU_CONTROLLER_IP'", "port": "17070", "user": "admin", "secret": "'$JUJU_PASSWD'" } } ]}') [[ $result =~ .*success.* ]] || FATAL "Failed config-agent configuration: $result" #R1/R2 config line #result=$(curl -k --request PUT \ # --url https://$SO_CONTAINER_IP:8008/api/config/resource-orchestrator \ # --header 'accept: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ # --header 'authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ # --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ # --header 'content-type: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ # --data '{ "openmano": { "host": "'$RO_CONTAINER_IP'", "port": "9090", "tenant-id": "'$RO_TENANT_ID'" }, "name": "osmopenmano", "account-type": "openmano" }') result=$(curl -k --request PUT \ --url https://$SO_CONTAINER_IP:8008/api/config/project/default/ro-account/account \ --header 'accept: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ --header 'authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ --data '{"rw-ro-account:account": [ { "openmano": { "host": "'$RO_CONTAINER_IP'", "port": "9090", "tenant-id": "'$RO_TENANT_ID'"}, "name": "osmopenmano", "ro-account-type": "openmano" }]}') [[ $result =~ .*success.* ]] || FATAL "Failed resource-orchestrator configuration: $result" result=$(curl -k --request PATCH \ --url https://$SO_CONTAINER_IP:8008/v2/api/config/openidc-provider-config/rw-ui-client/redirect-uri \ --header 'accept: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ --header 'authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ --data '{"redirect-uri": "https://'$DEFAULT_IP':8443/callback" }') [[ $result =~ .*success.* ]] || FATAL "Failed redirect-uri configuration: $result" result=$(curl -k --request PATCH \ --url https://$SO_CONTAINER_IP:8008/v2/api/config/openidc-provider-config/rw-ui-client/post-logout-redirect-uri \ --header 'accept: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ --header 'authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/vnd.yang.data+json' \ --data '{"post-logout-redirect-uri": "https://'$DEFAULT_IP':8443/?api_server=https://'$DEFAULT_IP'" }') [[ $result =~ .*success.* ]] || FATAL "Failed post-logout-redirect-uri configuration: $result" lxc exec SO-ub -- tee /etc/network/interfaces.d/60-rift.cfg < tenant:osm, logs to be sent to SO # VCA -> juju-password # SO -> route to Juju Controller, add RO account, add VCA account function configure(){ #Configure components echo -e "\nConfiguring components" configure_RO configure_VCA configure_SOUI } function install_lxd() { sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y lxd newgrp lxd lxd init --auto lxd waitready lxc network create lxdbr0 ipv4.address=auto ipv4.nat=true ipv6.address=none ipv6.nat=false DEFAULT_INTERFACE=$(route -n | awk '$1~/^ {print $8}') DEFAULT_MTU=$(ip addr show $DEFAULT_INTERFACE | perl -ne 'if (/mtu\s(\d+)/) {print $1;}') lxc profile device set default eth0 mtu $DEFAULT_MTU #sudo systemctl stop lxd-bridge #sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload #sudo systemctl enable lxd-bridge #sudo systemctl start lxd-bridge } function ask_user(){ # ask to the user and parse a response among 'y', 'yes', 'n' or 'no'. Case insensitive # Params: $1 text to ask; $2 Action by default, can be 'y' for yes, 'n' for no, other or empty for not allowed # Return: true(0) if user type 'yes'; false (1) if user type 'no' read -e -p "$1" USER_CONFIRMATION while true ; do [ -z "$USER_CONFIRMATION" ] && [ "$2" == 'y' ] && return 0 [ -z "$USER_CONFIRMATION" ] && [ "$2" == 'n' ] && return 1 [ "${USER_CONFIRMATION,,}" == "yes" ] || [ "${USER_CONFIRMATION,,}" == "y" ] && return 0 [ "${USER_CONFIRMATION,,}" == "no" ] || [ "${USER_CONFIRMATION,,}" == "n" ] && return 1 read -e -p "Please type 'yes' or 'no': " USER_CONFIRMATION done } function launch_container_from_lxd(){ export OSM_MDG=$1 OSM_load_config export OSM_BASE_IMAGE=$2 if ! container_exists $OSM_BUILD_CONTAINER; then CONTAINER_OPTS="" [[ "$OSM_BUILD_CONTAINER_PRIVILEGED" == yes ]] && CONTAINER_OPTS="$CONTAINER_OPTS -c security.privileged=true" [[ "$OSM_BUILD_CONTAINER_ALLOW_NESTED" == yes ]] && CONTAINER_OPTS="$CONTAINER_OPTS -c security.nesting=true" create_container $OSM_BASE_IMAGE $OSM_BUILD_CONTAINER $CONTAINER_OPTS wait_container_up $OSM_BUILD_CONTAINER fi } function install_osmclient(){ CLIENT_RELEASE=${RELEASE#"-R "} CLIENT_REPOSITORY_KEY="OSM%20ETSI%20Release%20Key.gpg" CLIENT_REPOSITORY=${REPOSITORY#"-r "} [ -z "$REPOSITORY_BASE" ] && REPOSITORY_BASE="-u https://osm-download.etsi.org/repository/osm/debian" CLIENT_REPOSITORY_BASE=${REPOSITORY_BASE#"-u "} key_location=$CLIENT_REPOSITORY_BASE/$CLIENT_RELEASE/$CLIENT_REPOSITORY_KEY curl $key_location | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb [arch=amd64] $CLIENT_REPOSITORY_BASE/$CLIENT_RELEASE $CLIENT_REPOSITORY osmclient" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python-pip sudo -H pip install pip==9.0.3 sudo -H pip install python-magic sudo apt-get install -y python-osmclient #sed 's,OSM_SOL005=[^$]*,OSM_SOL005=True,' -i ${HOME}/.bashrc #echo 'export OSM_HOSTNAME=localhost' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc #echo 'export OSM_SOL005=True' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc [ -z "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && export OSM_HOSTNAME=`lxc list | awk '($2=="SO-ub"){print $6}'` [ -z "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && export OSM_RO_HOSTNAME=`lxc list | awk '($2=="RO"){print $6}'` [ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && export OSM_HOSTNAME= echo -e "\nOSM client installed" echo -e "You might be interested in adding the following OSM client env variables to your .bashrc file:" echo " export OSM_HOSTNAME=${OSM_HOSTNAME}" [ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && echo " export OSM_SOL005=True" [ -z "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && echo " export OSM_RO_HOSTNAME=${OSM_RO_HOSTNAME}" return 0 } function install_from_lxdimages(){ LXD_RELEASE=${RELEASE#"-R "} if [ -n "$LXD_REPOSITORY_PATH" ]; then LXD_IMAGE_DIR="$LXD_REPOSITORY_PATH" else LXD_IMAGE_DIR="$(mktemp -d -q --tmpdir "osmimages.XXXXXX")" trap 'rm -rf "$LXD_IMAGE_DIR"' EXIT fi echo -e "\nDeleting previous lxd images if they exist" lxc image show osm-ro &>/dev/null && lxc image delete osm-ro lxc image show osm-vca &>/dev/null && lxc image delete osm-vca lxc image show osm-soui &>/dev/null && lxc image delete osm-soui echo -e "\nImporting osm-ro" [ -z "$LXD_REPOSITORY_PATH" ] && wget -O $LXD_IMAGE_DIR/osm-ro.tar.gz $LXD_REPOSITORY_BASE/$LXD_RELEASE/osm-ro.tar.gz lxc image import $LXD_IMAGE_DIR/osm-ro.tar.gz --alias osm-ro rm -f $LXD_IMAGE_DIR/osm-ro.tar.gz echo -e "\nImporting osm-vca" [ -z "$LXD_REPOSITORY_PATH" ] && wget -O $LXD_IMAGE_DIR/osm-vca.tar.gz $LXD_REPOSITORY_BASE/$LXD_RELEASE/osm-vca.tar.gz lxc image import $LXD_IMAGE_DIR/osm-vca.tar.gz --alias osm-vca rm -f $LXD_IMAGE_DIR/osm-vca.tar.gz echo -e "\nImporting osm-soui" [ -z "$LXD_REPOSITORY_PATH" ] && wget -O $LXD_IMAGE_DIR/osm-soui.tar.gz $LXD_REPOSITORY_BASE/$LXD_RELEASE/osm-soui.tar.gz lxc image import $LXD_IMAGE_DIR/osm-soui.tar.gz --alias osm-soui rm -f $LXD_IMAGE_DIR/osm-soui.tar.gz launch_container_from_lxd RO osm-ro ro_is_up && track RO launch_container_from_lxd VCA osm-vca vca_is_up && track VCA launch_container_from_lxd MON osm-mon mon_is_up && track MON launch_container_from_lxd SO osm-soui #so_is_up && track SOUI track SOUI } function install_docker_ce() { # installs and configures Docker CE echo "Installing Docker CE ..." sudo apt-get -qq update sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" sudo apt-get -qq update sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce echo "Adding user to group 'docker'" sudo groupadd -f docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER sleep 2 sudo service docker restart echo "... restarted Docker service" sg docker -c "docker version" || FATAL "Docker installation failed" echo "... Docker CE installation done" return 0 } function install_docker_compose() { # installs and configures docker-compose echo "Installing Docker Compose ..." sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.18.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose echo "... Docker Compose installation done" } function install_juju() { echo "Installing juju" sudo snap install juju --classic sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p medium lxd sg lxd -c "juju bootstrap --bootstrap-series=xenial localhost osm" [ $(juju status |grep "osm" |wc -l) -eq 1 ] || FATAL "Juju installation failed" echo "Finished installation of juju" } function generate_docker_images() { echo "Pulling and generating docker images" newgrp docker << EONG docker pull wurstmeister/kafka docker pull wurstmeister/zookeeper docker pull mongo docker pull mysql:5 git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/MON docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/MON -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/MON/docker/Dockerfile -t osm/mon || ! echo "cannot build MON docker image" >&2 docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/MON/policy_module -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/MON/policy_module/Dockerfile -t osm/pm || ! echo "cannot build PM docker image" >&2 git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/NBI docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/NBI -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/NBI/Dockerfile.local -t osm/nbi || ! echo "cannot build NBI docker image" >&2 git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/RO docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/RO -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/RO/docker/Dockerfile-local -t osm/ro || ! echo "cannot build RO docker image" >&2 git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/LCM docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/LCM -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/LCM/Dockerfile.local -t osm/lcm || ! echo "cannot build LCM docker image" >&2 # git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://github.com/superfluidity/osm-light-ui.git # docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/osm-light-ui -t osm/light-ui -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/osm-light-ui/code/docker/Dockerfile git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/LW-UI docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/LW-UI -t osm/light-ui -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/LW-UI/Dockerfile EONG echo "Finished generation of docker images" } function generate_docker_env_files() { echo "Generating docker env files" OSMLCM_VCA_HOST=`juju show-controller|grep api-endpoints|awk -F\' '{print $2}'|awk -F\: '{print $1}'` OSMLCM_VCA_SECRET=`grep password ${HOME}/.local/share/juju/accounts.yaml |awk '{print $2}'` MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=`date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32` echo "OSMLCM_VCA_HOST=${OSMLCM_VCA_HOST}" |sudo tee ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/lcm.env echo "OSMLCM_VCA_SECRET=${OSMLCM_VCA_SECRET}" |sudo tee -a ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/lcm.env echo "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" |sudo tee ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/ro-db.env echo "RO_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" |sudo tee ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/ro.env echo "OS_NOTIFIER_URI=http://${DEFAULT_IP}:8662" |sudo tee ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/mon.env echo "Finished generation of docker env files" } function deploy_lightweight() { echo "Deploying lightweight build" if [ "${DEFAULT_MTU}" != "1500" ]; then DOCKER_NETS=`sg docker -c "docker network list" | awk '{print $2}' | egrep -v "^ID$" | paste -d " " -s` DOCKER_GW_NET=`sg docker -c "docker network inspect ${DOCKER_NETS}" | grep Subnet | awk -F\" '{print $4}' | egrep "^172" | sort -u | tail -1 | awk -F\. '{if ($2 != 255) print $1"."$2+1"."$3"."$4; else print "-1";}'` sg docker -c "docker network create --subnet ${DOCKER_GW_NET} --opt com.docker.network.bridge.name=docker_gwbridge --opt com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc=false --opt com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade=true --opt com.docker.network.driver.mtu=${DEFAULT_MTU} docker_gwbridge" fi newgrp docker << EONG docker swarm init --advertise-addr ${DEFAULT_IP} docker network create --driver=overlay --attachable --opt com.docker.network.driver.mtu=${DEFAULT_MTU} netOSM docker stack deploy -c ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/docker-compose.yaml osm #docker-compose -f /usr/share/osm-devops/installers/docker/docker-compose.yaml up -d EONG echo "Finished deployment of lightweight build" } function deploy_elk() { echo "Deploying ELK stack" sg docker -c "docker stack deploy -c ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/osm_elk/docker-compose.yml osm_elk" echo "Waiting for ELK stack to be up and running" time=0 step=2 timelength=20 elk_is_up=1 while [ $time -le $timelength ]; do if [[ $(curl -XGET http://localhost:5601/status -I | grep "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" | wc -l ) -eq 1 ]]; then elk_is_up=0 break fi sleep $step time=$((time+step)) done if [ $elk_is_up -eq 0 ]; then echo "ELK is up and running. Trying to create index pattern..." #Create index pattern curl -f -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "kbn-xsrf: anything" \ "http://localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/index-pattern/logstash-*" \ -d"{\"attributes\":{\"title\":\"logstash-*\",\"timeFieldName\":\"@timestamp\"}}" #Make it the default index curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "kbn-xsrf: anything" \ "http://localhost:5601/api/kibana/settings/defaultIndex" \ -d"{\"value\":\"logstash-*\"}" else echo "Cannot connect to Kibana to create index pattern." echo "Once Kibana is running, you can use the following instructions to create index pattern:" echo 'curl -f -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "kbn-xsrf: anything" \ "http://localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/index-pattern/logstash-*" \ -d"{\"attributes\":{\"title\":\"logstash-*\",\"timeFieldName\":\"@timestamp\"}}"' echo 'curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "kbn-xsrf: anything" \ "http://localhost:5601/api/kibana/settings/defaultIndex" \ -d"{\"value\":\"logstash-*\"}"' fi echo "Finished deployment of ELK stack" return 0 } function deploy_perfmon() { echo "Generating osm/kafka-exporter docker image" sg docker -c "docker build ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/osm_metrics/kafka-exporter -f ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/osm_metrics/kafka-exporter/Dockerfile -t osm/kafka-exporter || ! echo 'cannot build kafka-exporter docker image' >&2" echo "Finished generation of osm/kafka-exporter docker image" echo "Deploying PM stack (Kafka exporter + Prometheus + Grafana)" sg docker -c "docker stack deploy -c ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/osm_metrics/docker-compose.yml osm_metrics" echo "Finished deployment of PM stack" return 0 } function install_lightweight() { [ "$USER" == "root" ] && FATAL "You are running the installer as root. The installer is prepared to be executed as a normal user with sudo privileges." echo "Installing lightweight build of OSM" LWTEMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -q --tmpdir "installosmlight.XXXXXX")" trap 'rm -rf "${LWTEMPDIR}"' EXIT DEFAULT_IF=`route -n |awk '$1~/^ {print $8}'` DEFAULT_IP=`ip -o -4 a |grep ${DEFAULT_IF}|awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[1]}'` DEFAULT_MTU=$(ip addr show ${DEFAULT_IF} | perl -ne 'if (/mtu\s(\d+)/) {print $1;}') need_packages_lw="lxd" echo -e "Checking required packages: $need_packages_lw" dpkg -l $need_packages_lw &>/dev/null \ || ! echo -e "One or several required packages are not installed. Updating apt cache requires root privileges." \ || sudo apt-get update \ || FATAL "failed to run apt-get update" dpkg -l $need_packages_lw &>/dev/null \ || ! echo -e "Installing $need_packages_lw requires root privileges." \ || sudo apt-get install -y $need_packages_lw \ || FATAL "failed to install $need_packages_lw" install_juju track juju install_docker_ce track docker_ce #install_docker_compose generate_docker_images track docker_build generate_docker_env_files deploy_lightweight track docker_deploy [ -n "$INSTALL_VIMEMU" ] && install_vimemu && track vimemu [ -n "$INSTALL_ELK" ] && deploy_elk && track elk [ -n "$INSTALL_PERFMON" ] && deploy_perfmon && track perfmon install_osmclient track osmclient wget -q -O- https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-4.0-four/README2.txt &> /dev/null track end return 0 } function install_vimemu() { echo "\nInstalling vim-emu" EMUTEMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -q --tmpdir "installosmvimemu.XXXXXX")" trap 'rm -rf "${EMUTEMPDIR}"' EXIT # clone vim-emu repository (attention: branch is currently master only) echo "Cloning vim-emu repository ..." git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/vim-emu.git $EMUTEMPDIR # build vim-emu docker echo "Building vim-emu Docker container..." sudo docker build -t vim-emu-img -f $EMUTEMPDIR/Dockerfile $EMUTEMPDIR/ # start vim-emu container as daemon echo "Starting vim-emu Docker container 'vim-emu' ..." if [ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ]; then # in lightweight mode, the emulator needs to be attached to netOSM sudo docker run --name vim-emu -t -d --rm --privileged --pid='host' --network=netOSM -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock vim-emu-img python examples/osm_default_daemon_topology_2_pop.py else # classic build mode sudo docker run --name vim-emu -t -d --rm --privileged --pid='host' -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock vim-emu-img python examples/osm_default_daemon_topology_2_pop.py fi echo "Waiting for 'vim-emu' container to start ..." sleep 5 export VIMEMU_HOSTNAME=$(sudo docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' vim-emu) echo "vim-emu running at ${VIMEMU_HOSTNAME} ..." # print vim-emu connection info echo -e "\nYou might be interested in adding the following vim-emu env variables to your .bashrc file:" echo " export VIMEMU_HOSTNAME=${VIMEMU_HOSTNAME}" echo -e "To add the emulated VIM to OSM you should do:" echo " osm vim-create --name emu-vim1 --user username --password password --auth_url http://${VIMEMU_HOSTNAME}:6001/v2.0 --tenant tenantName --account_type openstack" } function dump_vars(){ echo "DEVELOP=$DEVELOP" echo "INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE=$INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE" echo "UNINSTALL=$UNINSTALL" echo "NAT=$NAT" echo "UPDATE=$UPDATE" echo "RECONFIGURE=$RECONFIGURE" echo "TEST_INSTALLER=$TEST_INSTALLER" echo "INSTALL_VIMEMU=$INSTALL_VIMEMU" echo "INSTALL_LXD=$INSTALL_LXD" echo "INSTALL_FROM_LXDIMAGES=$INSTALL_FROM_LXDIMAGES" echo "LXD_REPOSITORY_BASE=$LXD_REPOSITORY_BASE" echo "LXD_REPOSITORY_PATH=$LXD_REPOSITORY_PATH" echo "INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT=$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" echo "INSTALL_ONLY=$INSTALL_ONLY" echo "INSTALL_ELK=$INSTALL_ELK" echo "INSTALL_PERFMON=$INSTALL_PERFMON" echo "RELEASE=$RELEASE" echo "REPOSITORY=$REPOSITORY" echo "REPOSITORY_BASE=$REPOSITORY_BASE" echo "REPOSITORY_KEY=$REPOSITORY_KEY" echo "NOCONFIGURE=$NOCONFIGURE" echo "SHOWOPTS=$SHOWOPTS" echo "Install from specific refspec (-b): $COMMIT_ID" } function track(){ ctime=`date +%s` duration=$((ctime - SESSION_ID)) url="http://www.woopra.com/track/ce?project=osm.etsi.org&cookie=${SESSION_ID}" #url="${url}&ce_campaign_name=${CAMPAIGN_NAME}" event_name="bin" [ -z "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE" ] && event_name="binsrc" [ -z "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_FROM_LXDIMAGES" ] && event_name="lxd" [ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && event_name="lw" event_name="${event_name}_$1" url="${url}&event=${event_name}&ce_duration=${duration}" wget -q -O /dev/null $url } UNINSTALL="" DEVELOP="" NAT="" UPDATE="" RECONFIGURE="" TEST_INSTALLER="" INSTALL_LXD="" SHOWOPTS="" COMMIT_ID="" ASSUME_YES="" INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE="" RELEASE="-R ReleaseTHREE" REPOSITORY="-r stable" INSTALL_VIMEMU="" INSTALL_FROM_LXDIMAGES="" LXD_REPOSITORY_BASE="https://osm-download.etsi.org/repository/osm/lxd" LXD_REPOSITORY_PATH="" INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT="y" INSTALL_ONLY="" INSTALL_ELK="" INSTALL_PERFMON="" NOCONFIGURE="" RELEASE_DAILY="" SESSION_ID=`date +%s` OSM_DEVOPS= while getopts ":hy-:b:r:k:u:R:l:p:D:o:" o; do case "${o}" in h) usage && exit 0 ;; b) COMMIT_ID=${OPTARG} ;; r) REPOSITORY="-r ${OPTARG}" ;; R) RELEASE="-R ${OPTARG}" ;; k) REPOSITORY_KEY="-k ${OPTARG}" ;; u) REPOSITORY_BASE="-u ${OPTARG}" ;; l) LXD_REPOSITORY_BASE="${OPTARG}" ;; p) LXD_REPOSITORY_PATH="${OPTARG}" ;; D) OSM_DEVOPS="${OPTARG}" ;; o) INSTALL_ONLY="y" [ "${OPTARG}" == "vimemu" ] && INSTALL_VIMEMU="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "elk_stack" ] && INSTALL_ELK="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "pm_stack" ] && INSTALL_PERFMON="y" && continue ;; -) [ "${OPTARG}" == "help" ] && usage && exit 0 [ "${OPTARG}" == "source" ] && INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "develop" ] && DEVELOP="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "uninstall" ] && UNINSTALL="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nat" ] && NAT="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "update" ] && UPDATE="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "reconfigure" ] && RECONFIGURE="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "test" ] && TEST_INSTALLER="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "lxdinstall" ] && INSTALL_LXD="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "lxdimages" ] && INSTALL_FROM_LXDIMAGES="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "lightweight" ] && INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "soui" ] && INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT="" && RELEASE="-R ReleaseTHREE-Classic" && REPOSITORY="-r testing" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "vimemu" ] && INSTALL_VIMEMU="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "elk_stack" ] && INSTALL_ELK="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "pm_stack" ] && INSTALL_PERFMON="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "noconfigure" ] && NOCONFIGURE="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "showopts" ] && SHOWOPTS="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "daily" ] && RELEASE_DAILY="y" && continue echo -e "Invalid option: '--$OPTARG'\n" >&2 usage && exit 1 ;; \?) echo -e "Invalid option: '-$OPTARG'\n" >&2 usage && exit 1 ;; y) ASSUME_YES="y" ;; *) usage && exit 1 ;; esac done [ -n "$INSTALL_FROM_LXDIMAGES" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && FATAL "Incompatible options: --lxd can only be used with --soui" if [ -n "$SHOWOPTS" ]; then dump_vars exit 0 fi [ -n "$RELEASE_DAILY" ] && echo -e "\nInstalling from daily build repo" && RELEASE="-R ReleaseTHREE-daily" && REPOSITORY="-r testing" && COMMIT_ID="master" # if develop, we force master [ -z "$COMMIT_ID" ] && [ -n "$DEVELOP" ] && COMMIT_ID="master" # forcing source from master removed. Now only install from source when explicit # [ -n "$COMMIT_ID" ] && [ "$COMMIT_ID" == "master" ] && INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE="y" if [ -z "$OSM_DEVOPS" ]; then if [ -n "$TEST_INSTALLER" ]; then echo -e "\nUsing local devops repo for OSM installation" TEMPDIR="$(dirname $(realpath $(dirname $0)))" else echo -e "\nCreating temporary dir for OSM installation" TEMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -q --tmpdir "installosm.XXXXXX")" trap 'rm -rf "$TEMPDIR"' EXIT fi fi need_packages="git jq wget curl tar" echo -e "Checking required packages: $need_packages" dpkg -l $need_packages &>/dev/null \ || ! echo -e "One or several required packages are not installed. Updating apt cache requires root privileges." \ || sudo apt-get update \ || FATAL "failed to run apt-get update" dpkg -l $need_packages &>/dev/null \ || ! echo -e "Installing $need_packages requires root privileges." \ || sudo apt-get install -y $need_packages \ || FATAL "failed to install $need_packages" if [ -z "$OSM_DEVOPS" ]; then if [ -z "$TEST_INSTALLER" ]; then echo -e "\nCloning devops repo temporarily" git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/devops.git $TEMPDIR RC_CLONE=$? fi echo -e "\nGuessing the current stable release" LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS=`git -C $TEMPDIR tag -l v[0-9].* | sort -V | tail -n1` [ -z "$COMMIT_ID" ] && [ -z "$LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS" ] && echo "Could not find the current latest stable release" && exit 0 echo "Latest tag in devops repo: $LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS" [ -z "$COMMIT_ID" ] && [ -n "$LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS" ] && COMMIT_ID="tags/$LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS" if [ -n "$RELEASE_DAILY" ]; then echo "Using master/HEAD devops" git -C $TEMPDIR checkout master elif [ -z "$TEST_INSTALLER" ]; then git -C $TEMPDIR checkout tags/$LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS fi OSM_DEVOPS=$TEMPDIR fi OSM_JENKINS="$OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins" . $OSM_JENKINS/common/all_funcs [ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && [ -n "$UNINSTALL" ] && uninstall_lightweight && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0 [ -n "$UNINSTALL" ] && uninstall && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0 [ -n "$NAT" ] && nat && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0 [ -n "$UPDATE" ] && update && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0 [ -n "$RECONFIGURE" ] && configure && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0 [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_ELK" ] && deploy_elk [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_PERFMON" ] && deploy_perfmon [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_VIMEMU" ] && install_vimemu [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY" ] && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0 #Installation starts here wget -q -O- https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-4.0-four/README.txt &> /dev/null track start [ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && install_lightweight && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0 echo -e "\nInstalling OSM from refspec: $COMMIT_ID" if [ -n "$INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE" ] && [ -z "$ASSUME_YES" ]; then ! ask_user "The installation will take about 75-90 minutes. Continue (Y/n)? " y && echo "Cancelled!" && exit 1 fi echo -e "Checking required packages: lxd" lxd --version &>/dev/null || FATAL "lxd not present, exiting." [ -n "$INSTALL_LXD" ] && echo -e "\nInstalling and configuring lxd" && install_lxd # use local devops for containers export OSM_USE_LOCAL_DEVOPS=true if [ -n "$INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE" ]; then #install from source echo -e "\nCreating the containers and building from source ..." $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/start_build RO --notest checkout $COMMIT_ID || FATAL "RO container build failed (refspec: '$COMMIT_ID')" ro_is_up && track RO $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/start_build VCA || FATAL "VCA container build failed" vca_is_up && track VCA $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/start_build MON || FATAL "MON install failed" mon_is_up && track MON $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/start_build SO checkout $COMMIT_ID || FATAL "SO container build failed (refspec: '$COMMIT_ID')" $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/start_build UI checkout $COMMIT_ID || FATAL "UI container build failed (refspec: '$COMMIT_ID')" #so_is_up && track SOUI track SOUI elif [ -n "$INSTALL_FROM_LXDIMAGES" ]; then #install from LXD images stored in OSM repo echo -e "\nInstalling from lxd images ..." install_from_lxdimages else #install from binaries echo -e "\nCreating the containers and installing from binaries ..." $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/install RO $REPOSITORY $RELEASE $REPOSITORY_KEY $REPOSITORY_BASE || FATAL "RO install failed" ro_is_up && track RO $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/start_build VCA || FATAL "VCA install failed" vca_is_up && track VCA $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/install MON || FATAL "MON build failed" mon_is_up && track MON $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/install SO $REPOSITORY $RELEASE $REPOSITORY_KEY $REPOSITORY_BASE || FATAL "SO install failed" $OSM_DEVOPS/jenkins/host/install UI $REPOSITORY $RELEASE $REPOSITORY_KEY $REPOSITORY_BASE || FATAL "UI install failed" #so_is_up && track SOUI track SOUI fi #Install iptables-persistent and configure NAT rules [ -z "$NOCONFIGURE" ] && nat #Configure components [ -z "$NOCONFIGURE" ] && configure #Install osmclient [ -z "$NOCONFIGURE" ] && install_osmclient #Install vim-emu (optional) [ -n "$INSTALL_VIMEMU" ] && install_docker_ce && install_vimemu wget -q -O- https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-4.0-four/README2.txt &> /dev/null track end echo -e "\nDONE"