#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo S.A.U. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. function usage(){ echo -e "usage: $0 [OPTIONS]" echo -e "Install OSM from binaries or source code (by default, from binaries)" echo -e " OPTIONS" echo -e " -r : use specified repository name for osm packages" echo -e " -R : use specified release for osm binaries (deb packages, lxd images, ...)" echo -e " -u : use specified repository url for osm packages" echo -e " -k : use specified repository public key url" echo -e " -b : install OSM from source code using a specific branch (master, v2.0, ...) or tag" echo -e " -b master (main dev branch)" echo -e " -b v2.0 (v2.0 branch)" echo -e " -b tags/v1.1.0 (a specific tag)" echo -e " ..." echo -e " -c deploy osm services using container . Valid values are or . If -c is not used then osm will be deployed using default orchestrator. When used with --uninstall, osm services deployed by the orchestrator will be uninstalled" echo -e " -n install OSM with Next Gen UI. Valid values are or . If -n is not specified osm will be installed with light-ui. When used with uninstall, osm along with the UI specified will be uninstalled" echo -e " -s or user defined stack name when installed using swarm or namespace when installed using k8s, default is osm" echo -e " -H use specific juju host controller IP" echo -e " -S use VCA/juju secret key" echo -e " -P use VCA/juju public key file" echo -e " -C use VCA/juju CA certificate file" echo -e " -A use VCA/juju API proxy" echo -e " --vimemu: additionally deploy the VIM emulator as a docker container" echo -e " --elk_stack: additionally deploy an ELK docker stack for event logging" echo -e " --pla: install the PLA module for placement support" echo -e " -m : install OSM but only rebuild the specified docker images (LW-UI, NBI, LCM, RO, MON, POL, KAFKA, MONGO, PROMETHEUS, PROMETHEUS-CADVISOR, KEYSTONE-DB, PLA, NONE)" echo -e " -o : ONLY (un)installs one of the addons (vimemu, elk_stack)" echo -e " -D use local devops installation path" echo -e " -w Location to store runtime installation" echo -e " -t specify osm docker tag (default is latest)" echo -e " -l: LXD cloud yaml file" echo -e " -L: LXD credentials yaml file" echo -e " -K: Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped" echo -e " --nolxd: do not install and configure LXD, allowing unattended installations (assumes LXD is already installed and confifured)" echo -e " --nodocker: do not install docker, do not initialize a swarm (assumes docker is already installed and a swarm has been initialized)" echo -e " --nojuju: do not juju, assumes already installed" echo -e " --nodockerbuild:do not build docker images (use existing locally cached images)" echo -e " --nohostports: do not expose docker ports to host (useful for creating multiple instances of osm on the same host)" echo -e " --nohostclient: do not install the osmclient" echo -e " --uninstall: uninstall OSM: remove the containers and delete NAT rules" echo -e " --source: install OSM from source code using the latest stable tag" echo -e " --develop: (deprecated, use '-b master') install OSM from source code using the master branch" echo -e " --pullimages: pull/run osm images from docker.io/opensourcemano" echo -e " --k8s_monitor: install the OSM kubernetes moitoring with prometheus and grafana" # echo -e " --reconfigure: reconfigure the modules (DO NOT change NAT rules)" # echo -e " --update: update to the latest stable release or to the latest commit if using a specific branch" echo -e " --showopts: print chosen options and exit (only for debugging)" echo -e " -y: do not prompt for confirmation, assumes yes" echo -e " -h / --help: print this help" echo -e " --charmed: install OSM with charms" echo -e " --bundle : Specify with which bundle to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)" echo -e " --kubeconfig : Specify with which kubernetes to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)" echo -e " --controller : Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped (--charmed option)" echo -e " --lxd-cloud : Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Cloud information (--charmed option)" echo -e " --lxd-credentials : Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Credentials information (--charmed option)" echo -e " --microstack: Installs microstack as a vim. (--charmed option)" echo -e " --tag: Docker image tag" } # takes a juju/accounts.yaml file and returns the password specific # for a controller. I wrote this using only bash tools to minimize # additions of other packages function parse_juju_password { password_file="${HOME}/.local/share/juju/accounts.yaml" local controller_name=$1 local s='[[:space:]]*' w='[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*' fs=$(echo @|tr @ '\034') sed -ne "s|^\($s\):|\1|" \ -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s[\"']\(.*\)[\"']$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \ -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" $password_file | awk -F$fs -v controller=$controller_name '{ indent = length($1)/2; vname[indent] = $2; for (i in vname) {if (i > indent) {delete vname[i]}} if (length($3) > 0) { vn=""; for (i=0; i/dev/null; then echo -e " Not installed.\nInstalling iptables-persistent requires root privileges" echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v4 boolean true | sudo debconf-set-selections echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v6 boolean true | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo apt-get -yq install iptables-persistent fi } #Configure NAT rules, based on the current IP addresses of containers function nat(){ check_install_iptables_persistent echo -e "\nConfiguring NAT rules" echo -e " Required root privileges" sudo $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/nat_osm } function FATAL(){ echo "FATAL error: Cannot install OSM due to \"$1\"" exit 1 } function install_lxd() { # Apply sysctl production values for optimal performance sudo cp /usr/share/osm-devops/installers/60-lxd-production.conf /etc/sysctl.d/60-lxd-production.conf sudo sysctl --system # Install LXD snap sudo apt-get remove --purge -y liblxc1 lxc-common lxcfs lxd lxd-client sudo snap install lxd sudo apt-get install zfsutils-linux -y # Configure LXD sudo usermod -a -G lxd `whoami` cat /usr/share/osm-devops/installers/lxd-preseed.conf | sed 's/^config: {}/config:\n core.https_address: '$DEFAULT_IP':8443/' | sg lxd -c "lxd init --preseed" sg lxd -c "lxd waitready" DEFAULT_INTERFACE=$(ip route list|awk '$1=="default" {print $5; exit}') [ -z "$DEFAULT_INTERFACE" ] && DEFAULT_INTERFACE=$(route -n |awk '$1~/^ {print $8; exit}') DEFAULT_MTU=$(ip addr show $DEFAULT_INTERFACE | perl -ne 'if (/mtu\s(\d+)/) {print $1;}') sg lxd -c "lxc profile device set default eth0 mtu $DEFAULT_MTU" #sudo systemctl stop lxd-bridge #sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload #sudo systemctl enable lxd-bridge #sudo systemctl start lxd-bridge } function ask_user(){ # ask to the user and parse a response among 'y', 'yes', 'n' or 'no'. Case insensitive # Params: $1 text to ask; $2 Action by default, can be 'y' for yes, 'n' for no, other or empty for not allowed # Return: true(0) if user type 'yes'; false (1) if user type 'no' read -e -p "$1" USER_CONFIRMATION while true ; do [ -z "$USER_CONFIRMATION" ] && [ "$2" == 'y' ] && return 0 [ -z "$USER_CONFIRMATION" ] && [ "$2" == 'n' ] && return 1 [ "${USER_CONFIRMATION,,}" == "yes" ] || [ "${USER_CONFIRMATION,,}" == "y" ] && return 0 [ "${USER_CONFIRMATION,,}" == "no" ] || [ "${USER_CONFIRMATION,,}" == "n" ] && return 1 read -e -p "Please type 'yes' or 'no': " USER_CONFIRMATION done } function install_osmclient(){ CLIENT_RELEASE=${RELEASE#"-R "} CLIENT_REPOSITORY_KEY="OSM%20ETSI%20Release%20Key.gpg" CLIENT_REPOSITORY=${REPOSITORY#"-r "} CLIENT_REPOSITORY_BASE=${REPOSITORY_BASE#"-u "} key_location=$CLIENT_REPOSITORY_BASE/$CLIENT_RELEASE/$CLIENT_REPOSITORY_KEY curl $key_location | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb [arch=amd64] $CLIENT_REPOSITORY_BASE/$CLIENT_RELEASE $CLIENT_REPOSITORY osmclient IM" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip sudo -H LC_ALL=C python3 -m pip install -U pip sudo -H LC_ALL=C python3 -m pip install -U python-magic pyangbind verboselogs sudo apt-get install -y python3-osm-im python3-osmclient #sed 's,OSM_SOL005=[^$]*,OSM_SOL005=True,' -i ${HOME}/.bashrc #echo 'export OSM_HOSTNAME=localhost' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc #echo 'export OSM_SOL005=True' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc [ -z "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && export OSM_HOSTNAME=`lxc list | awk '($2=="SO-ub"){print $6}'` [ -z "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && export OSM_RO_HOSTNAME=`lxc list | awk '($2=="RO"){print $6}'` echo -e "\nOSM client installed" if [ -z "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ]; then echo -e "You might be interested in adding the following OSM client env variables to your .bashrc file:" echo " export OSM_HOSTNAME=${OSM_HOSTNAME}" echo " export OSM_RO_HOSTNAME=${OSM_RO_HOSTNAME}" else echo -e "OSM client assumes that OSM host is running in localhost (" echo -e "In case you want to interact with a different OSM host, you will have to configure this env variable in your .bashrc file:" echo " export OSM_HOSTNAME=" fi return 0 } function install_prometheus_nodeexporter(){ if (systemctl -q is-active node_exporter) then echo "Node Exporter is already running." else echo "Node Exporter is not active, installing..." if getent passwd node_exporter > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "node_exporter user exists" else echo "Creating user node_exporter" sudo useradd --no-create-home --shell /bin/false node_exporter fi wget -q https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter/releases/download/v$PROMETHEUS_NODE_EXPORTER_TAG/node_exporter-$PROMETHEUS_NODE_EXPORTER_TAG.linux-amd64.tar.gz -P /tmp/ sudo tar -C /tmp -xf /tmp/node_exporter-$PROMETHEUS_NODE_EXPORTER_TAG.linux-amd64.tar.gz sudo cp /tmp/node_exporter-$PROMETHEUS_NODE_EXPORTER_TAG.linux-amd64/node_exporter /usr/local/bin sudo chown node_exporter:node_exporter /usr/local/bin/node_exporter sudo rm -rf /tmp/node_exporter-$PROMETHEUS_NODE_EXPORTER_TAG.linux-amd64* sudo cp ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/prometheus/node_exporter.service /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart node_exporter sudo systemctl enable node_exporter echo "Node Exporter has been activated in this host." fi return 0 } function uninstall_prometheus_nodeexporter(){ sudo systemctl stop node_exporter sudo systemctl disable node_exporter sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo userdel node_exporter sudo rm /usr/local/bin/node_exporter return 0 } function install_docker_ce() { # installs and configures Docker CE echo "Installing Docker CE ..." sudo apt-get -qq update sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" sudo apt-get -qq update sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce echo "Adding user to group 'docker'" sudo groupadd -f docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER sleep 2 sudo service docker restart echo "... restarted Docker service" sg docker -c "docker version" || FATAL "Docker installation failed" echo "... Docker CE installation done" return 0 } function install_docker_compose() { # installs and configures docker-compose echo "Installing Docker Compose ..." sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.18.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose echo "... Docker Compose installation done" } function install_juju() { echo "Installing juju" sudo snap install juju --classic [[ ":$PATH": != *":/snap/bin:"* ]] && PATH="/snap/bin:${PATH}" echo "Finished installation of juju" return 0 } function juju_createcontroller() { if ! juju show-controller $OSM_STACK_NAME &> /dev/null; then # Not found created, create the controller sudo usermod -a -G lxd ${USER} sg lxd -c "juju bootstrap --bootstrap-series=xenial $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME $OSM_STACK_NAME" fi [ $(juju controllers | awk "/^${OSM_STACK_NAME}[\*| ]/{print $1}"|wc -l) -eq 1 ] || FATAL "Juju installation failed" } function juju_createproxy() { check_install_iptables_persistent if ! sudo iptables -t nat -C PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -d $DEFAULT_IP --dport 17070 -j DNAT --to-destination $OSM_VCA_HOST; then sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -d $DEFAULT_IP --dport 17070 -j DNAT --to-destination $OSM_VCA_HOST sudo netfilter-persistent save fi } function generate_docker_images() { echo "Pulling and generating docker images" _build_from=$COMMIT_ID [ -z "$_build_from" ] && _build_from="master" echo "OSM Docker images generated from $_build_from" BUILD_ARGS+=(--build-arg REPOSITORY="$REPOSITORY") BUILD_ARGS+=(--build-arg RELEASE="$RELEASE") BUILD_ARGS+=(--build-arg REPOSITORY_KEY="$REPOSITORY_KEY") BUILD_ARGS+=(--build-arg REPOSITORY_BASE="$REPOSITORY_BASE") if [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q KAFKA ; then sg docker -c "docker pull wurstmeister/zookeeper" || FATAL "cannot get zookeeper docker image" sg docker -c "docker pull wurstmeister/kafka:${KAFKA_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot get kafka docker image" fi if [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q MONGO ; then sg docker -c "docker pull mongo" || FATAL "cannot get mongo docker image" fi if [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q PROMETHEUS ; then sg docker -c "docker pull prom/prometheus:${PROMETHEUS_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot get prometheus docker image" fi if [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q PROMETHEUS-CADVISOR ; then sg docker -c "docker pull google/cadvisor:${PROMETHEUS_CADVISOR_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot get prometheus cadvisor docker image" fi if [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q GRAFANA ; then sg docker -c "docker pull grafana/grafana:${GRAFANA_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot get grafana docker image" fi if [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q NBI || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q KEYSTONE-DB ; then sg docker -c "docker pull mariadb:${KEYSTONEDB_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot get keystone-db docker image" fi if [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q RO ; then sg docker -c "docker pull mysql:5" || FATAL "cannot get mysql docker image" fi if [ -n "$PULL_IMAGES" ]; then sg docker -c "docker pull ${DOCKER_USER}/mon:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot pull MON docker image" elif [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q MON ; then git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/MON git -C ${LWTEMPDIR}/MON checkout ${COMMIT_ID} sg docker -c "docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/MON -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/MON/docker/Dockerfile -t ${DOCKER_USER}/mon --no-cache" || FATAL "cannot build MON docker image" fi if [ -n "$PULL_IMAGES" ]; then sg docker -c "docker pull ${DOCKER_USER}/pol:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot pull POL docker image" elif [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q POL ; then git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/POL git -C ${LWTEMPDIR}/POL checkout ${COMMIT_ID} sg docker -c "docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/POL -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/POL/docker/Dockerfile -t ${DOCKER_USER}/pol --no-cache" || FATAL "cannot build POL docker image" fi if [ -n "$PULL_IMAGES" -a -n "$INSTALL_PLA" ]; then sg docker -c "docker pull ${DOCKER_USER}/pla:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot pull PLA docker image" elif [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" -a -n "$INSTALL_PLA" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q PLA ; then git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/PLA git -C ${LWTEMPDIR}/PLA checkout ${COMMIT_ID} sg docker -c "docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/PLA -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/PLA/docker/Dockerfile -t ${DOCKER_USER}/pla --no-cache" || FATAL "cannot build PLA docker image" fi if [ -n "$PULL_IMAGES" ]; then sg docker -c "docker pull ${DOCKER_USER}/nbi:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot pull NBI docker image" sg docker -c "docker pull ${DOCKER_USER}/keystone:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot pull KEYSTONE docker image" elif [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q NBI ; then git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/NBI git -C ${LWTEMPDIR}/NBI checkout ${COMMIT_ID} sg docker -c "docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/NBI -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/NBI/Dockerfile.local -t ${DOCKER_USER}/nbi --no-cache" || FATAL "cannot build NBI docker image" sg docker -c "docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/NBI/keystone -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/NBI/keystone/Dockerfile -t ${DOCKER_USER}/keystone --no-cache" || FATAL "cannot build KEYSTONE docker image" fi if [ -n "$PULL_IMAGES" ]; then sg docker -c "docker pull ${DOCKER_USER}/ro:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot pull RO docker image" elif [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q RO ; then git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/RO git -C ${LWTEMPDIR}/RO checkout ${COMMIT_ID} sg docker -c "docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/RO -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/RO/Dockerfile-local -t ${DOCKER_USER}/ro --no-cache" || FATAL "cannot build RO docker image" fi if [ -n "$PULL_IMAGES" ]; then sg docker -c "docker pull ${DOCKER_USER}/lcm:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot pull LCM RO docker image" elif [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q LCM ; then git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/LCM git -C ${LWTEMPDIR}/LCM checkout ${COMMIT_ID} sg docker -c "docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/LCM -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/LCM/Dockerfile.local -t ${DOCKER_USER}/lcm --no-cache" || FATAL "cannot build LCM docker image" fi if [ -n "$NGUI" ]; then if [ -n "$PULL_IMAGES" ]; then sg docker -c "docker pull ${DOCKER_USER}/ng-ui:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot pull ng-ui docker image" elif [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q NG-UI ; then git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/NG-UI git -C ${LWTEMPDIR}/NG-UI checkout ${COMMIT_ID} sg docker -c "docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/NG-UI -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/NG-UI/docker/Dockerfile -t ${DOCKER_USER}/ng-ui --no-cache" || FATAL "cannot build NG-UI docker image" fi else if [ -n "$PULL_IMAGES" ]; then sg docker -c "docker pull ${DOCKER_USER}/light-ui:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot pull light-ui docker image" elif [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q LW-UI ; then git -C ${LWTEMPDIR} clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/LW-UI git -C ${LWTEMPDIR}/LW-UI checkout ${COMMIT_ID} sg docker -c "docker build ${LWTEMPDIR}/LW-UI -f ${LWTEMPDIR}/LW-UI/docker/Dockerfile -t ${DOCKER_USER}/light-ui --no-cache" || FATAL "cannot build LW-UI docker image" fi fi if [ -n "$PULL_IMAGES" ]; then sg docker -c "docker pull ${DOCKER_USER}/osmclient:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot pull osmclient docker image" elif [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q LW-osmclient; then sg docker -c "docker build -t ${DOCKER_USER}/osmclient ${BUILD_ARGS[@]} -f $OSM_DEVOPS/docker/osmclient ." fi if [ -z "$TO_REBUILD" ] || echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q PROMETHEUS ; then sg docker -c "docker pull google/cadvisor:${PROMETHEUS_CADVISOR_TAG}" || FATAL "cannot get prometheus cadvisor docker image" fi echo "Finished generation of docker images" } function cmp_overwrite() { file1="$1" file2="$2" if ! $(cmp "${file1}" "${file2}" >/dev/null 2>&1); then if [ -f "${file2}" ]; then ask_user "The file ${file2} already exists. Overwrite (y/N)? " n && cp -b ${file1} ${file2} else cp -b ${file1} ${file2} fi fi } function generate_docker_env_files() { echo "Doing a backup of existing env files" $WORKDIR_SUDO cp $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/keystone-db.env{,~} $WORKDIR_SUDO cp $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/keystone.env{,~} $WORKDIR_SUDO cp $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env{,~} $WORKDIR_SUDO cp $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lwui.env{,~} $WORKDIR_SUDO cp $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env{,~} $WORKDIR_SUDO cp $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/nbi.env{,~} $WORKDIR_SUDO cp $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/pol.env{,~} $WORKDIR_SUDO cp $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/ro-db.env{,~} $WORKDIR_SUDO cp $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/ro.env{,~} echo "Generating docker env files" if [ -n "$KUBERNETES" ]; then #Kubernetes resources $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -bR ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/osm_pods $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR [ -n "$NGUI" ] && $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/osm_pods/ng-ui.yaml $OSM_K8S_WORK_DIR/ng-ui.yaml && $WORKDIR_SUDO rm $OSM_K8S_WORK_DIR/light-ui.yaml else if [ -n "$NGUI" ]; then # For NG-UI $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/docker-compose-ngui.yaml $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/docker-compose.yaml else # Docker-compose $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/docker-compose.yaml $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/docker-compose.yaml fi if [ -n "$INSTALL_PLA" ]; then $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/osm_pla/docker-compose.yaml $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_pla/docker-compose.yaml fi # Prometheus files $WORKDIR_SUDO mkdir -p $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/prometheus $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/prometheus/prometheus.yml $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/prometheus/prometheus.yml # Grafana files $WORKDIR_SUDO mkdir -p $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/grafana $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/grafana/dashboards-osm.yml $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/grafana/dashboards-osm.yml $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/grafana/datasource-prometheus.yml $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/grafana/datasource-prometheus.yml $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/grafana/osm-sample-dashboard.json $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/grafana/osm-sample-dashboard.json $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/grafana/osm-system-dashboard.json $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/grafana/osm-system-dashboard.json # Prometheus Exporters files $WORKDIR_SUDO mkdir -p $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/prometheus_exporters $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/prometheus_exporters/node_exporter.service $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/prometheus_exporters/node_exporter.service fi # LCM if [ ! -f $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env ]; then echo "OSMLCM_DATABASE_COMMONKEY=${OSM_DATABASE_COMMONKEY}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OSMLCM_VCA_HOST" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env; then echo "OSMLCM_VCA_HOST=${OSM_VCA_HOST}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env else $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s|OSMLCM_VCA_HOST.*|OSMLCM_VCA_HOST=$OSM_VCA_HOST|g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OSMLCM_VCA_SECRET" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env; then echo "OSMLCM_VCA_SECRET=${OSM_VCA_SECRET}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env else $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s|OSMLCM_VCA_SECRET.*|OSMLCM_VCA_SECRET=$OSM_VCA_SECRET|g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OSMLCM_VCA_PUBKEY" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env; then echo "OSMLCM_VCA_PUBKEY=${OSM_VCA_PUBKEY}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env else $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s|OSMLCM_VCA_PUBKEY.*|OSMLCM_VCA_PUBKEY=${OSM_VCA_PUBKEY}|g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OSMLCM_VCA_CACERT" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env; then echo "OSMLCM_VCA_CACERT=${OSM_VCA_CACERT}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env else $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s|OSMLCM_VCA_CACERT.*|OSMLCM_VCA_CACERT=${OSM_VCA_CACERT}|g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OSMLCM_VCA_APIPROXY" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env; then echo "OSMLCM_VCA_APIPROXY=${OSM_VCA_APIPROXY}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env else $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s|OSMLCM_VCA_APIPROXY.*|OSMLCM_VCA_APIPROXY=${OSM_VCA_APIPROXY}|g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OSMLCM_VCA_ENABLEOSUPGRADE" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env; then echo "# OSMLCM_VCA_ENABLEOSUPGRADE=false" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OSMLCM_VCA_APTMIRROR" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env; then echo "# OSMLCM_VCA_APTMIRROR=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OSMLCM_VCA_CLOUD" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env; then echo "OSMLCM_VCA_CLOUD=${OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env else $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s|OSMLCM_VCA_CLOUD.*|OSMLCM_VCA_CLOUD=${OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME}|g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env fi # RO MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(generate_secret) if [ ! -f $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/ro-db.env ]; then echo "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" |$WORKDIR_SUDO tee $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/ro-db.env fi if [ ! -f $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/ro.env ]; then echo "RO_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" |$WORKDIR_SUDO tee $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/ro.env fi # Keystone KEYSTONE_DB_PASSWORD=$(generate_secret) SERVICE_PASSWORD=$(generate_secret) if [ ! -f $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/keystone-db.env ]; then echo "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" |$WORKDIR_SUDO tee $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/keystone-db.env fi if [ ! -f $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/keystone.env ]; then echo "ROOT_DB_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" |$WORKDIR_SUDO tee $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/keystone.env echo "KEYSTONE_DB_PASSWORD=${KEYSTONE_DB_PASSWORD}" |$WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/keystone.env echo "SERVICE_PASSWORD=${SERVICE_PASSWORD}" |$WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/keystone.env fi # NBI if [ ! -f $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/nbi.env ]; then echo "OSMNBI_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_PASSWORD=${SERVICE_PASSWORD}" |$WORKDIR_SUDO tee $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/nbi.env echo "OSMNBI_DATABASE_COMMONKEY=${OSM_DATABASE_COMMONKEY}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/nbi.env fi # MON if [ ! -f $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env ]; then echo "OSMMON_DATABASE_COMMONKEY=${OSM_DATABASE_COMMONKEY}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env echo "OSMMON_SQL_DATABASE_URI=mysql://root:${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}@mysql:3306/mon" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OS_NOTIFIER_URI" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env; then echo "OS_NOTIFIER_URI=http://${DEFAULT_IP}:8662" |$WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env else $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s|OS_NOTIFIER_URI.*|OS_NOTIFIER_URI=http://$DEFAULT_IP:8662|g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OSMMON_VCA_HOST" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env; then echo "OSMMON_VCA_HOST=${OSM_VCA_HOST}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env else $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s|OSMMON_VCA_HOST.*|OSMMON_VCA_HOST=$OSM_VCA_HOST|g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OSMMON_VCA_SECRET" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env; then echo "OSMMON_VCA_SECRET=${OSM_VCA_SECRET}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env else $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s|OSMMON_VCA_SECRET.*|OSMMON_VCA_SECRET=$OSM_VCA_SECRET|g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env fi if ! grep -Fq "OSMMON_VCA_CACERT" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env; then echo "OSMMON_VCA_CACERT=${OSM_VCA_CACERT}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env else $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s|OSMMON_VCA_CACERT.*|OSMMON_VCA_CACERT=${OSM_VCA_CACERT}|g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env fi # POL if [ ! -f $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/pol.env ]; then echo "OSMPOL_SQL_DATABASE_URI=mysql://root:${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}@mysql:3306/pol" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/pol.env fi # LW-UI if [ ! -f $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lwui.env ]; then echo "OSMUI_SQL_DATABASE_URI=mysql://root:${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}@mysql:3306/lwui" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee -a $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lwui.env fi echo "Finished generation of docker env files" } function generate_osmclient_script () { echo "docker run -ti --network net${OSM_STACK_NAME} ${DOCKER_USER}/osmclient:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm $WORKDIR_SUDO chmod +x "$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm" echo "osmclient sidecar container can be found at: $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm" } #installs kubernetes packages function install_kube() { sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl -fsSL https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main" sudo apt-get update echo "Installing Kubernetes Packages ..." sudo apt-get install -y kubelet=1.15.0-00 kubeadm=1.15.0-00 kubectl=1.15.0-00 } #initializes kubernetes control plane function init_kubeadm() { sudo swapoff -a sudo kubeadm init --config $1 sleep 5 } function kube_config_dir() { [ ! -d $K8S_MANIFEST_DIR ] && FATAL "Cannot Install Kubernetes" mkdir -p $HOME/.kube sudo cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config } #deploys flannel as daemonsets function deploy_cni_provider() { CNI_DIR="$(mktemp -d -q --tmpdir "flannel.XXXXXX")" trap 'rm -rf "${CNI_DIR}"' EXIT wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/flannel/master/Documentation/kube-flannel.yml -P $CNI_DIR kubectl apply -f $CNI_DIR [ $? -ne 0 ] && FATAL "Cannot Install Flannel" } #creates secrets from env files which will be used by containers function kube_secrets(){ kubectl create ns $OSM_STACK_NAME kubectl create secret generic lcm-secret -n $OSM_STACK_NAME --from-env-file=$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lcm.env kubectl create secret generic mon-secret -n $OSM_STACK_NAME --from-env-file=$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/mon.env kubectl create secret generic nbi-secret -n $OSM_STACK_NAME --from-env-file=$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/nbi.env kubectl create secret generic ro-db-secret -n $OSM_STACK_NAME --from-env-file=$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/ro-db.env kubectl create secret generic ro-secret -n $OSM_STACK_NAME --from-env-file=$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/ro.env kubectl create secret generic keystone-secret -n $OSM_STACK_NAME --from-env-file=$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/keystone.env kubectl create secret generic lwui-secret -n $OSM_STACK_NAME --from-env-file=$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/lwui.env kubectl create secret generic pol-secret -n $OSM_STACK_NAME --from-env-file=$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/pol.env } #deploys osm pods and services function deploy_osm_services() { K8S_MASTER=$(kubectl get nodes | awk '$3~/master/'| awk '{print $1}') kubectl taint node $K8S_MASTER node-role.kubernetes.io/master:NoSchedule- sleep 5 kubectl apply -n $OSM_STACK_NAME -f $OSM_K8S_WORK_DIR } function deploy_osm_pla_service() { # corresponding to parse_yaml [ ! $OSM_DOCKER_TAG == "7" ] && $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s/opensourcemano\/pla:.*/opensourcemano\/pla:$OSM_DOCKER_TAG/g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_pla/pla.yaml # corresponding to namespace_vol $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s#path: /var/lib/osm#path: $OSM_NAMESPACE_VOL#g" $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_pla/pla.yaml # corresponding to deploy_osm_services kubectl apply -n $OSM_STACK_NAME -f $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_pla } function parse_yaml() { osm_services="nbi lcm ro pol mon light-ui ng-ui keystone" TAG=$1 for osm in $osm_services; do $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s/opensourcemano\/$osm:.*/$DOCKER_USER\/$osm:$TAG/g" $OSM_K8S_WORK_DIR/$osm.yaml done } function namespace_vol() { osm_services="nbi lcm ro pol mon kafka mongo mysql" for osm in $osm_services; do $WORKDIR_SUDO sed -i "s#path: /var/lib/osm#path: $OSM_NAMESPACE_VOL#g" $OSM_K8S_WORK_DIR/$osm.yaml done } function init_docker_swarm() { if [ "${DEFAULT_MTU}" != "1500" ]; then DOCKER_NETS=`sg docker -c "docker network list" | awk '{print $2}' | egrep -v "^ID$" | paste -d " " -s` DOCKER_GW_NET=`sg docker -c "docker network inspect ${DOCKER_NETS}" | grep Subnet | awk -F\" '{print $4}' | egrep "^172" | sort -u | tail -1 | awk -F\. '{if ($2 != 255) print $1"."$2+1"."$3"."$4; else print "-1";}'` sg docker -c "docker network create --subnet ${DOCKER_GW_NET} --opt com.docker.network.bridge.name=docker_gwbridge --opt com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc=false --opt com.docker.network.bridge.enable_ip_masquerade=true --opt com.docker.network.driver.mtu=${DEFAULT_MTU} docker_gwbridge" fi sg docker -c "docker swarm init --advertise-addr ${DEFAULT_IP}" return 0 } function create_docker_network() { echo "creating network" sg docker -c "docker network create --driver=overlay --attachable --opt com.docker.network.driver.mtu=${DEFAULT_MTU} net${OSM_STACK_NAME}" echo "creating network DONE" } function deploy_lightweight() { echo "Deploying lightweight build" OSM_NBI_PORT=9999 OSM_RO_PORT=9090 OSM_KEYSTONE_PORT=5000 OSM_UI_PORT=80 OSM_MON_PORT=8662 OSM_PROM_PORT=9090 OSM_PROM_CADVISOR_PORT=8080 OSM_PROM_HOSTPORT=9091 OSM_GRAFANA_PORT=3000 [ -n "$INSTALL_ELK" ] && OSM_ELK_PORT=5601 #[ -n "$INSTALL_PERFMON" ] && OSM_PM_PORT=3000 if [ -n "$NO_HOST_PORTS" ]; then OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_NBI_PORTS=$OSM_NBI_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_RO_PORTS=$OSM_RO_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_KEYSTONE_PORTS=$OSM_KEYSTONE_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_UI_PORTS=$OSM_UI_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_MON_PORTS=$OSM_MON_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_PROM_PORTS=$OSM_PROM_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_PROM_CADVISOR_PORTS=$OSM_PROM_CADVISOR_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_GRAFANA_PORTS=$OSM_GRAFANA_PORT) #[ -n "$INSTALL_PERFMON" ] && OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_PM_PORTS=$OSM_PM_PORT) [ -n "$INSTALL_ELK" ] && OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_ELK_PORTS=$OSM_ELK_PORT) else OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_NBI_PORTS=$OSM_NBI_PORT:$OSM_NBI_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_RO_PORTS=$OSM_RO_PORT:$OSM_RO_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_KEYSTONE_PORTS=$OSM_KEYSTONE_PORT:$OSM_KEYSTONE_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_UI_PORTS=$OSM_UI_PORT:$OSM_UI_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_MON_PORTS=$OSM_MON_PORT:$OSM_MON_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_PROM_PORTS=$OSM_PROM_HOSTPORT:$OSM_PROM_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_PROM_CADVISOR_PORTS=$OSM_PROM_CADVISOR_PORT:$OSM_PROM_CADVISOR_PORT) OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_GRAFANA_PORTS=$OSM_GRAFANA_PORT:$OSM_GRAFANA_PORT) #[ -n "$INSTALL_PERFMON" ] && OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_PM_PORTS=$OSM_PM_PORT:$OSM_PM_PORT) [ -n "$INSTALL_ELK" ] && OSM_PORTS+=(OSM_ELK_PORTS=$OSM_ELK_PORT:$OSM_ELK_PORT) fi echo "export ${OSM_PORTS[@]}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_ports.sh echo "export OSM_NETWORK=net${OSM_STACK_NAME}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee --append $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_ports.sh echo "export TAG=${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee --append $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_ports.sh echo "export DOCKER_USER=${DOCKER_USER}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee --append $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_ports.sh echo "export KAFKA_TAG=${KAFKA_TAG}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee --append $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_ports.sh echo "export PROMETHEUS_TAG=${PROMETHEUS_TAG}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee --append $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_ports.sh echo "export KEYSTONEDB_TAG=${KEYSTONEDB_TAG}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee --append $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_ports.sh echo "export PROMETHEUS_CADVISOR_TAG=${PROMETHEUS_CADVISOR_TAG}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee --append $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_ports.sh echo "export GRAFANA_TAG=${GRAFANA_TAG}" | $WORKDIR_SUDO tee --append $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_ports.sh pushd $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR if [ -n "$INSTALL_PLA" ]; then sg docker -c ". ./osm_ports.sh; docker stack deploy -c $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/docker-compose.yaml -c $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_pla/docker-compose.yaml $OSM_STACK_NAME" else sg docker -c ". ./osm_ports.sh; docker stack deploy -c $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/docker-compose.yaml $OSM_STACK_NAME" fi popd echo "Finished deployment of lightweight build" } function deploy_elk() { echo "Pulling docker images for ELK" sg docker -c "docker pull docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss:${ELASTIC_VERSION}" || FATAL "cannot get elasticsearch docker image" sg docker -c "docker pull docker.elastic.co/beats/metricbeat:${ELASTIC_VERSION}" || FATAL "cannot get metricbeat docker image" sg docker -c "docker pull docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat:${ELASTIC_VERSION}" || FATAL "cannot get filebeat docker image" sg docker -c "docker pull docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana-oss:${ELASTIC_VERSION}" || FATAL "cannot get kibana docker image" sg docker -c "docker pull bobrik/curator:${ELASTIC_CURATOR_VERSION}" || FATAL "cannot get curator docker image" echo "Finished pulling elk docker images" $WORKDIR_SUDO mkdir -p "$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_elk" $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/docker/osm_elk/* $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_elk remove_stack osm_elk echo "Deploying ELK stack" sg docker -c "OSM_NETWORK=net${OSM_STACK_NAME} docker stack deploy -c $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_elk/docker-compose.yml osm_elk" echo "Waiting for ELK stack to be up and running" time=0 step=5 timelength=40 elk_is_up=1 while [ $time -le $timelength ]; do if [[ $(curl -f -XGET -I 2>/dev/null | grep "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" | wc -l ) -eq 1 ]]; then elk_is_up=0 break fi sleep $step time=$((time+step)) done if [ $elk_is_up -eq 0 ]; then echo "ELK is up and running. Trying to create index pattern..." #Create index pattern curl -f -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "kbn-xsrf: anything" \ "*" \ -d"{\"attributes\":{\"title\":\"filebeat-*\",\"timeFieldName\":\"@timestamp\"}}" 2>/dev/null #Make it the default index curl -f -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "kbn-xsrf: anything" \ "" \ -d"{\"value\":\"filebeat-*\"}" 2>/dev/null else echo "Cannot connect to Kibana to create index pattern." echo "Once Kibana is running, you can use the following instructions to create index pattern:" echo 'curl -f -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "kbn-xsrf: anything" \ "*" \ -d"{\"attributes\":{\"title\":\"filebeat-*\",\"timeFieldName\":\"@timestamp\"}}"' echo 'curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "kbn-xsrf: anything" \ "" \ -d"{\"value\":\"filebeat-*\"}"' fi echo "Finished deployment of ELK stack" return 0 } function install_lightweight() { [ "${OSM_STACK_NAME}" == "osm" ] || OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR="$OSM_WORK_DIR/stack/$OSM_STACK_NAME" [ -n "$KUBERNETES" ] && OSM_K8S_WORK_DIR="$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_pods" && OSM_NAMESPACE_VOL="${OSM_HOST_VOL}/${OSM_STACK_NAME}" [ ! -d "$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR" ] && $WORKDIR_SUDO mkdir -p $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR [ ! -d "$OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_pla" -a -n "$INSTALL_PLA" ] && $WORKDIR_SUDO mkdir -p $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/osm_pla [ -n "$KUBERNETES" ] && $WORKDIR_SUDO cp -b $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/docker/cluster-config.yaml $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/cluster-config.yaml track checkingroot [ "$USER" == "root" ] && FATAL "You are running the installer as root. The installer is prepared to be executed as a normal user with sudo privileges." track noroot if [ -n "$KUBERNETES" ]; then [ -z "$ASSUME_YES" ] && ! ask_user "The installation will do the following 1. Install and configure LXD 2. Install juju 3. Install docker CE 4. Disable swap space 5. Install and initialize Kubernetes as pre-requirements. Do you want to proceed (Y/n)? " y && echo "Cancelled!" && exit 1 else [ -z "$ASSUME_YES" ] && ! ask_user "The installation will configure LXD, install juju, install docker CE and init a docker swarm, as pre-requirements. Do you want to proceed (Y/n)? " y && echo "Cancelled!" && exit 1 fi track proceed echo "Installing lightweight build of OSM" LWTEMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -q --tmpdir "installosmlight.XXXXXX")" trap 'rm -rf "${LWTEMPDIR}"' EXIT DEFAULT_IF=$(ip route list|awk '$1=="default" {print $5; exit}') [ -z "$DEFAULT_IF" ] && DEFAULT_IF=$(route -n |awk '$1~/^ {print $8; exit}') [ -z "$DEFAULT_IF" ] && FATAL "Not possible to determine the interface with the default route" DEFAULT_IP=`ip -o -4 a |grep ${DEFAULT_IF} |awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[1]}'` [ -z "$DEFAULT_IP" ] && FATAL "Not possible to determine the IP address of the interface with the default route" DEFAULT_MTU=$(ip addr show ${DEFAULT_IF} | perl -ne 'if (/mtu\s(\d+)/) {print $1;}') # if no host is passed in, we need to install lxd/juju, unless explicilty asked not to if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_HOST" ] && [ -z "$INSTALL_NOLXD" ] && [ -z "$LXD_CLOUD_FILE" ]; then need_packages_lw="snapd" echo -e "Checking required packages: $need_packages_lw" dpkg -l $need_packages_lw &>/dev/null \ || ! echo -e "One or several required packages are not installed. Updating apt cache requires root privileges." \ || sudo apt-get update \ || FATAL "failed to run apt-get update" dpkg -l $need_packages_lw &>/dev/null \ || ! echo -e "Installing $need_packages_lw requires root privileges." \ || sudo apt-get install -y $need_packages_lw \ || FATAL "failed to install $need_packages_lw" install_lxd fi track prereqok [ -z "$INSTALL_NOJUJU" ] && install_juju track juju_install if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_HOST" ]; then if [ -z "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ]; then if [ -n "$LXD_CLOUD_FILE" ]; then [ -z "$LXD_CRED_FILE" ] && FATAL "The installer needs the LXD credential yaml if the LXD is external" OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME="lxd-cloud" juju add-cloud $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME $LXD_CLOUD_FILE --force || juju update-cloud $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME --client -f $LXD_CLOUD_FILE juju add-credential $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME -f $LXD_CRED_FILE || juju update-credential $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME lxd-cloud-creds -f $LXD_CRED_FILE fi juju_createcontroller else OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME="lxd-cloud" if [ -n "$LXD_CLOUD_FILE" ]; then [ -z "$LXD_CRED_FILE" ] && FATAL "The installer needs the LXD credential yaml if the LXD is external" juju add-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME $LXD_CLOUD_FILE --force || juju update-cloud lxd-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME -f $LXD_CLOUD_FILE juju add-credential -c $CONTROLLER_NAME $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME -f $LXD_CRED_FILE || juju update-credential lxd-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME -f $LXD_CRED_FILE else mkdir -p ~/.osm cat << EOF > ~/.osm/lxd-cloud.yaml clouds: lxd-cloud: type: lxd auth-types: [certificate] endpoint: "https://$DEFAULT_IP:8443" config: ssl-hostname-verification: false EOF openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout ~/.osm/client.key -out ~/.osm/client.crt -days 365 -subj "/C=FR/ST=Nice/L=Nice/O=ETSI/OU=OSM/CN=osm.etsi.org" local server_cert=`cat /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/server.crt | sed 's/^/ /'` local client_cert=`cat ~/.osm/client.crt | sed 's/^/ /'` local client_key=`cat ~/.osm/client.key | sed 's/^/ /'` cat << EOF > ~/.osm/lxd-credentials.yaml credentials: lxd-cloud: lxd-cloud: auth-type: certificate server-cert: | $server_cert client-cert: | $client_cert client-key: | $client_key EOF lxc config trust add local: ~/.osm/client.crt juju add-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME ~/.osm/lxd-cloud.yaml --force || juju update-cloud lxd-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME -f ~/.osm/lxd-cloud.yaml juju add-credential -c $CONTROLLER_NAME $OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME -f ~/.osm/lxd-credentials.yaml || juju update-credential lxd-cloud -c $CONTROLLER_NAME -f ~/.osm/lxd-credentials.yaml fi fi [ -z "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_HOST=`sg lxd -c "juju show-controller $OSM_STACK_NAME"|grep api-endpoints|awk -F\' '{print $2}'|awk -F\: '{print $1}'` [ -n "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_HOST=`juju show-controller $CONTROLLER_NAME |grep api-endpoints|awk -F\' '{print $2}'|awk -F\: '{print $1}'` [ -z "$OSM_VCA_HOST" ] && FATAL "Cannot obtain juju controller IP address" fi track juju_controller if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_SECRET" ]; then [ -z "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_SECRET=$(parse_juju_password $OSM_STACK_NAME) [ -n "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_SECRET=$(parse_juju_password $CONTROLLER_NAME) [ -z "$OSM_VCA_SECRET" ] && FATAL "Cannot obtain juju secret" fi if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_PUBKEY" ]; then OSM_VCA_PUBKEY=$(cat $HOME/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa.pub) [ -z "$OSM_VCA_PUBKEY" ] && FATAL "Cannot obtain juju public key" fi if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_CACERT" ]; then [ -z "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_CACERT=$(juju controllers --format json | jq -r --arg controller $OSM_STACK_NAME '.controllers[$controller]["ca-cert"]' | base64 | tr -d \\n) [ -n "$CONTROLLER_NAME" ] && OSM_VCA_CACERT=$(juju controllers --format json | jq -r --arg controller $CONTROLLER_NAME '.controllers[$controller]["ca-cert"]' | base64 | tr -d \\n) [ -z "$OSM_VCA_CACERT" ] && FATAL "Cannot obtain juju CA certificate" fi if [ -z "$OSM_VCA_APIPROXY" ]; then OSM_VCA_APIPROXY=$DEFAULT_IP [ -z "$OSM_VCA_APIPROXY" ] && FATAL "Cannot obtain juju api proxy" fi juju_createproxy track juju if [ -z "$OSM_DATABASE_COMMONKEY" ]; then OSM_DATABASE_COMMONKEY=$(generate_secret) [ -z "OSM_DATABASE_COMMONKEY" ] && FATAL "Cannot generate common db secret" fi [ -n "$INSTALL_NODOCKER" ] || install_docker_ce track docker_ce #Installs Kubernetes and deploys osm services if [ -n "$KUBERNETES" ]; then install_kube track install_k8s init_kubeadm $OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR/cluster-config.yaml kube_config_dir track init_k8s else #install_docker_compose [ -n "$INSTALL_NODOCKER" ] || init_docker_swarm track docker_swarm fi [ -z "$DOCKER_NOBUILD" ] && generate_docker_images track docker_build generate_docker_env_files if [ -n "$KUBERNETES" ]; then if [ -n "$INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR" ]; then # uninstall OSM MONITORING uninstall_k8s_monitoring track uninstall_k8s_monitoring fi #remove old namespace remove_k8s_namespace $OSM_STACK_NAME deploy_cni_provider kube_secrets [ ! $OSM_DOCKER_TAG == "7" ] && parse_yaml $OSM_DOCKER_TAG namespace_vol deploy_osm_services if [ -n "$INSTALL_PLA"]; then # optional PLA install deploy_osm_pla_service fi track deploy_osm_services_k8s if [ -n "$INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR" ]; then # install OSM MONITORING install_k8s_monitoring track install_k8s_monitoring fi else # remove old stack remove_stack $OSM_STACK_NAME create_docker_network deploy_lightweight generate_osmclient_script track docker_deploy install_prometheus_nodeexporter track nodeexporter [ -n "$INSTALL_VIMEMU" ] && install_vimemu && track vimemu [ -n "$INSTALL_ELK" ] && deploy_elk && track elk fi [ -z "$INSTALL_NOHOSTCLIENT" ] && install_osmclient track osmclient wget -q -O- https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-7.0-seven/README2.txt &> /dev/null track end return 0 } function install_vimemu() { echo "\nInstalling vim-emu" EMUTEMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -q --tmpdir "installosmvimemu.XXXXXX")" trap 'rm -rf "${EMUTEMPDIR}"' EXIT # install prerequisites (OVS is a must for the emulator to work) sudo apt-get install openvswitch-switch # clone vim-emu repository (attention: branch is currently master only) echo "Cloning vim-emu repository ..." git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/vim-emu.git $EMUTEMPDIR # build vim-emu docker echo "Building vim-emu Docker container..." sg docker -c "docker build -t vim-emu-img -f $EMUTEMPDIR/Dockerfile --no-cache $EMUTEMPDIR/" || FATAL "cannot build vim-emu-img docker image" # start vim-emu container as daemon echo "Starting vim-emu Docker container 'vim-emu' ..." if [ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ]; then # in lightweight mode, the emulator needs to be attached to netOSM sg docker -c "docker run --name vim-emu -t -d --restart always --privileged --pid='host' --network=net${OSM_STACK_NAME} -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock vim-emu-img python examples/osm_default_daemon_topology_2_pop.py" else # classic build mode sg docker -c "docker run --name vim-emu -t -d --restart always --privileged --pid='host' -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock vim-emu-img python examples/osm_default_daemon_topology_2_pop.py" fi echo "Waiting for 'vim-emu' container to start ..." sleep 5 export VIMEMU_HOSTNAME=$(sg docker -c "docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' vim-emu") echo "vim-emu running at ${VIMEMU_HOSTNAME} ..." # print vim-emu connection info echo -e "\nYou might be interested in adding the following vim-emu env variables to your .bashrc file:" echo " export VIMEMU_HOSTNAME=${VIMEMU_HOSTNAME}" echo -e "To add the emulated VIM to OSM you should do:" echo " osm vim-create --name emu-vim1 --user username --password password --auth_url http://${VIMEMU_HOSTNAME}:6001/v2.0 --tenant tenantName --account_type openstack" } function install_k8s_monitoring() { # install OSM monitoring $WORKDIR_SUDO chmod +x $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/k8s/*.sh $WORKDIR_SUDO $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/k8s/install_osm_k8s_monitoring.sh } function uninstall_k8s_monitoring() { # uninstall OSM monitoring $WORKDIR_SUDO $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/k8s/uninstall_osm_k8s_monitoring.sh } function dump_vars(){ echo "DEVELOP=$DEVELOP" echo "INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE=$INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE" echo "UNINSTALL=$UNINSTALL" echo "UPDATE=$UPDATE" echo "RECONFIGURE=$RECONFIGURE" echo "TEST_INSTALLER=$TEST_INSTALLER" echo "INSTALL_VIMEMU=$INSTALL_VIMEMU" echo "INSTALL_PLA=$INSTALL_PLA" echo "INSTALL_LXD=$INSTALL_LXD" echo "INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT=$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" echo "INSTALL_ONLY=$INSTALL_ONLY" echo "INSTALL_ELK=$INSTALL_ELK" #echo "INSTALL_PERFMON=$INSTALL_PERFMON" echo "INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR=$INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR" echo "TO_REBUILD=$TO_REBUILD" echo "INSTALL_NOLXD=$INSTALL_NOLXD" echo "INSTALL_NODOCKER=$INSTALL_NODOCKER" echo "INSTALL_NOJUJU=$INSTALL_NOJUJU" echo "RELEASE=$RELEASE" echo "REPOSITORY=$REPOSITORY" echo "REPOSITORY_BASE=$REPOSITORY_BASE" echo "REPOSITORY_KEY=$REPOSITORY_KEY" echo "OSM_DEVOPS=$OSM_DEVOPS" echo "OSM_VCA_HOST=$OSM_VCA_HOST" echo "OSM_VCA_SECRET=$OSM_VCA_SECRET" echo "OSM_VCA_PUBKEY=$OSM_VCA_PUBKEY" echo "NO_HOST_PORTS=$NO_HOST_PORTS" echo "DOCKER_NOBUILD=$DOCKER_NOBUILD" echo "WORKDIR_SUDO=$WORKDIR_SUDO" echo "OSM_WORK_DIR=$OSM_STACK_NAME" echo "OSM_DOCKER_TAG=$OSM_DOCKER_TAG" echo "DOCKER_USER=$DOCKER_USER" echo "OSM_STACK_NAME=$OSM_STACK_NAME" echo "PULL_IMAGES=$PULL_IMAGES" echo "KUBERNETES=$KUBERNETES" echo "NGUI=$NGUI" echo "SHOWOPTS=$SHOWOPTS" echo "Install from specific refspec (-b): $COMMIT_ID" } function track(){ ctime=`date +%s` duration=$((ctime - SESSION_ID)) url="http://www.woopra.com/track/ce?project=osm.etsi.org&cookie=${SESSION_ID}" #url="${url}&ce_campaign_name=${CAMPAIGN_NAME}" event_name="bin" [ -z "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE" ] && event_name="binsrc" [ -z "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_FROM_LXDIMAGES" ] && event_name="lxd" [ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && event_name="lw" event_name="${event_name}_$1" url="${url}&event=${event_name}&ce_duration=${duration}" wget -q -O /dev/null $url } UNINSTALL="" DEVELOP="" UPDATE="" RECONFIGURE="" TEST_INSTALLER="" INSTALL_LXD="" SHOWOPTS="" COMMIT_ID="" ASSUME_YES="" INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE="" RELEASE="ReleaseSEVEN" REPOSITORY="stable" INSTALL_VIMEMU="" INSTALL_PLA="" LXD_REPOSITORY_BASE="https://osm-download.etsi.org/repository/osm/lxd" LXD_REPOSITORY_PATH="" INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT="y" INSTALL_ONLY="" INSTALL_ELK="" TO_REBUILD="" INSTALL_NOLXD="" INSTALL_NODOCKER="" INSTALL_NOJUJU="" KUBERNETES="" NGUI="" INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR="" INSTALL_NOHOSTCLIENT="" SESSION_ID=`date +%s` OSM_DEVOPS= OSM_VCA_HOST= OSM_VCA_SECRET= OSM_VCA_PUBKEY= OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME="localhost" OSM_STACK_NAME=osm NO_HOST_PORTS="" DOCKER_NOBUILD="" REPOSITORY_KEY="OSM%20ETSI%20Release%20Key.gpg" REPOSITORY_BASE="https://osm-download.etsi.org/repository/osm/debian" WORKDIR_SUDO=sudo OSM_WORK_DIR="/etc/osm" OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR="/etc/osm/docker" OSM_K8S_WORK_DIR="${OSM_DOCKER_WORK_DIR}/osm_pods" OSM_HOST_VOL="/var/lib/osm" OSM_NAMESPACE_VOL="${OSM_HOST_VOL}/${OSM_STACK_NAME}" OSM_DOCKER_TAG=latest DOCKER_USER=opensourcemano PULL_IMAGES="y" KAFKA_TAG=2.11-1.0.2 PROMETHEUS_TAG=v2.4.3 GRAFANA_TAG=latest PROMETHEUS_NODE_EXPORTER_TAG=0.18.1 PROMETHEUS_CADVISOR_TAG=latest KEYSTONEDB_TAG=10 OSM_DATABASE_COMMONKEY= ELASTIC_VERSION=6.4.2 ELASTIC_CURATOR_VERSION=5.5.4 POD_NETWORK_CIDR= K8S_MANIFEST_DIR="/etc/kubernetes/manifests" RE_CHECK='^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?$' while getopts ":b:r:c:n:k:u:R:D:o:m:H:S:s:w:t:U:P:A:l:L:K:-: hy" o; do case "${o}" in b) COMMIT_ID=${OPTARG} PULL_IMAGES="" ;; r) REPOSITORY="${OPTARG}" REPO_ARGS+=(-r "$REPOSITORY") ;; c) [ "${OPTARG}" == "swarm" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "k8s" ] && KUBERNETES="y" && continue echo -e "Invalid argument for -i : ' $OPTARG'\n" >&2 usage && exit 1 ;; n) [ "${OPTARG}" == "lwui" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "ngui" ] && NGUI="y" && continue echo -e "Invalid argument for -n : ' $OPTARG'\n" >&2 usage && exit 1 ;; k) REPOSITORY_KEY="${OPTARG}" REPO_ARGS+=(-k "$REPOSITORY_KEY") ;; u) REPOSITORY_BASE="${OPTARG}" REPO_ARGS+=(-u "$REPOSITORY_BASE") ;; R) RELEASE="${OPTARG}" REPO_ARGS+=(-R "$RELEASE") ;; D) OSM_DEVOPS="${OPTARG}" ;; o) INSTALL_ONLY="y" [ "${OPTARG}" == "vimemu" ] && INSTALL_VIMEMU="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "elk_stack" ] && INSTALL_ELK="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "k8s_monitor" ] && INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR="y" && continue ;; m) [ "${OPTARG}" == "LW-UI" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD LW-UI" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "NBI" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD NBI" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "LCM" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD LCM" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "RO" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD RO" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "MON" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD MON" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "POL" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD POL" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "KAFKA" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD KAFKA" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "MONGO" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD MONGO" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "PROMETHEUS" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD PROMETHEUS" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "PROMETHEUS-CADVISOR" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD PROMETHEUS-CADVISOR" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "KEYSTONE-DB" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD KEYSTONE-DB" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "GRAFANA" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD GRAFANA" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "NONE" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD NONE" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "PLA" ] && TO_REBUILD="$TO_REBUILD PLA" && continue ;; H) OSM_VCA_HOST="${OPTARG}" ;; S) OSM_VCA_SECRET="${OPTARG}" ;; s) OSM_STACK_NAME="${OPTARG}" && [ -n "$KUBERNETES" ] && [[ ! "${OPTARG}" =~ $RE_CHECK ]] && echo "Namespace $OPTARG is invalid. Regex used for validation is $RE_CHECK" && exit 0 ;; w) # when specifying workdir, do not use sudo for access WORKDIR_SUDO= OSM_WORK_DIR="${OPTARG}" ;; t) OSM_DOCKER_TAG="${OPTARG}" ;; U) DOCKER_USER="${OPTARG}" ;; P) OSM_VCA_PUBKEY=$(cat ${OPTARG}) ;; A) OSM_VCA_APIPROXY="${OPTARG}" ;; l) LXD_CLOUD_FILE="${OPTARG}" ;; L) LXD_CRED_FILE="${OPTARG}" ;; K) CONTROLLER_NAME="${OPTARG}" ;; -) [ "${OPTARG}" == "help" ] && usage && exit 0 [ "${OPTARG}" == "source" ] && INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE="y" && PULL_IMAGES="" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "develop" ] && DEVELOP="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "uninstall" ] && UNINSTALL="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "update" ] && UPDATE="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "reconfigure" ] && RECONFIGURE="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "test" ] && TEST_INSTALLER="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "lxdinstall" ] && INSTALL_LXD="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nolxd" ] && INSTALL_NOLXD="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nodocker" ] && INSTALL_NODOCKER="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "lightweight" ] && INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "vimemu" ] && INSTALL_VIMEMU="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "elk_stack" ] && INSTALL_ELK="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "showopts" ] && SHOWOPTS="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nohostports" ] && NO_HOST_PORTS="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nojuju" ] && INSTALL_NOJUJU="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nodockerbuild" ] && DOCKER_NOBUILD="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nohostclient" ] && INSTALL_NOHOSTCLIENT="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "pullimages" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "k8s_monitor" ] && INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "charmed" ] && CHARMED="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "bundle" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "kubeconfig" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "lxdendpoint" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "lxdcert" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "microstack" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "tag" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "pla" ] && INSTALL_PLA="y" && continue echo -e "Invalid option: '--$OPTARG'\n" >&2 usage && exit 1 ;; :) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument" >&2 usage && exit 1 ;; \?) echo -e "Invalid option: '-$OPTARG'\n" >&2 usage && exit 1 ;; h) usage && exit 0 ;; y) ASSUME_YES="y" ;; *) usage && exit 1 ;; esac done [ -n "$TO_REBUILD" ] && [ "$TO_REBUILD" != " NONE" ] && echo $TO_REBUILD | grep -q NONE && FATAL "Incompatible option: -m NONE cannot be used with other -m options" [ -n "$TO_REBUILD" ] && [ "$TO_REBUILD" == " PLA" ] && [ -z "$INSTALL_PLA" ] && FATAL "Incompatible option: -m PLA cannot be used without --pla option" if [ -n "$SHOWOPTS" ]; then dump_vars exit 0 fi if [ -n "$CHARMED" ]; then if [ -n "$UNINSTALL" ]; then /usr/share/osm-devops/installers/charmed_uninstall.sh -R $RELEASE -r $REPOSITORY -u $REPOSITORY_BASE -D /usr/share/osm-devops -t $DOCKER_TAG "$@" else /usr/share/osm-devops/installers/charmed_install.sh -R $RELEASE -r $REPOSITORY -u $REPOSITORY_BASE -D /usr/share/osm-devops -t $DOCKER_TAG "$@" fi echo "Your installation is now complete, follow these steps for configuring the osmclient:" echo echo "1. Get the NBI IP with the following command:" echo echo "juju status --format yaml | yq r - applications.nbi-k8s.address" echo echo "2. Create the OSM_HOSTNAME environment variable with the NBI IP" echo echo "export OSM_HOSTNAME=" echo echo "3. Add the previous command to your .bashrc for other Shell sessions" echo echo "export OSM_HOSTNAME= >> ~/.bashrc" echo echo "DONE" exit 0 fi # if develop, we force master [ -z "$COMMIT_ID" ] && [ -n "$DEVELOP" ] && COMMIT_ID="master" need_packages="git wget curl tar" echo -e "Checking required packages: $need_packages" dpkg -l $need_packages &>/dev/null \ || ! echo -e "One or several required packages are not installed. Updating apt cache requires root privileges." \ || sudo apt-get update \ || FATAL "failed to run apt-get update" dpkg -l $need_packages &>/dev/null \ || ! echo -e "Installing $need_packages requires root privileges." \ || sudo apt-get install -y $need_packages \ || FATAL "failed to install $need_packages" sudo snap install jq if [ -z "$OSM_DEVOPS" ]; then if [ -n "$TEST_INSTALLER" ]; then echo -e "\nUsing local devops repo for OSM installation" OSM_DEVOPS="$(dirname $(realpath $(dirname $0)))" else echo -e "\nCreating temporary dir for OSM installation" OSM_DEVOPS="$(mktemp -d -q --tmpdir "installosm.XXXXXX")" trap 'rm -rf "$OSM_DEVOPS"' EXIT git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/devops.git $OSM_DEVOPS if [ -z "$COMMIT_ID" ]; then echo -e "\nGuessing the current stable release" LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS=`git -C $OSM_DEVOPS tag -l v[0-9].* | sort -V | tail -n1` [ -z "$LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS" ] && echo "Could not find the current latest stable release" && exit 0 echo "Latest tag in devops repo: $LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS" COMMIT_ID="tags/$LATEST_STABLE_DEVOPS" else echo -e "\nDEVOPS Using commit $COMMIT_ID" fi git -C $OSM_DEVOPS checkout $COMMIT_ID fi fi . $OSM_DEVOPS/common/all_funcs [ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && [ -n "$UNINSTALL" ] && uninstall_lightweight && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0 [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_ELK" ] && deploy_elk #[ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_PERFMON" ] && deploy_perfmon [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_VIMEMU" ] && install_vimemu [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY" ] && [ -n "$INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR" ] && install_k8s_monitoring [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY" ] && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0 #Installation starts here wget -q -O- https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-7.0-seven/README.txt &> /dev/null track start [ -n "$INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT" ] && install_lightweight && echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0 echo -e "\nInstalling OSM from refspec: $COMMIT_ID" if [ -n "$INSTALL_FROM_SOURCE" ] && [ -z "$ASSUME_YES" ]; then ! ask_user "The installation will take about 75-90 minutes. Continue (Y/n)? " y && echo "Cancelled!" && exit 1 fi echo -e "Checking required packages: lxd" lxd --version &>/dev/null || FATAL "lxd not present, exiting." [ -n "$INSTALL_LXD" ] && echo -e "\nInstalling and configuring lxd" && install_lxd # use local devops for containers export OSM_USE_LOCAL_DEVOPS=true #Install osmclient #Install vim-emu (optional) [ -n "$INSTALL_VIMEMU" ] && install_docker_ce && install_vimemu wget -q -O- https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-7.0-seven/README2.txt &> /dev/null track end echo -e "\nDONE"