From 9dee2a6758c4df422bec532009b6869cf6baa0c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: garciadeblas <>
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2020 23:08:37 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] fix usage to be the same as in full_installwq

Change-Id: I818d788d1471a007719fbbeb12102e12699fecc4
Signed-off-by: garciadeblas <>
 installers/ | 23 ++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/installers/ b/installers/
index 3918f3fe..ba90e8b6 100755
--- a/installers/
+++ b/installers/
@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ function usage(){
     echo -e "                     -b v2.0            (v2.0 branch)"
     echo -e "                     -b tags/v1.1.0     (a specific tag)"
     echo -e "                     ..."
+    echo -e "     -c <orchestrator> deploy osm services using container <orchestrator>. Valid values are <k8s> or <swarm>.  If -c is not used then osm will be deployed using default orchestrator. When used with --uninstall, osm services deployed by the orchestrator will be uninstalled"
     echo -e "     -n <ui> install OSM with Next Gen UI. Valid values are <lwui> or <ngui>. If -n is not specified osm will be installed with light-ui. When used with uninstall, osm along with the UI specified will be uninstalled"
-    echo -e "     -s <stack name> user defined stack name, default is osm"
+    echo -e "     -s <stack name> or <namespace>  user defined stack name when installed using swarm or namespace when installed using k8s, default is osm"
     echo -e "     -H <VCA host>   use specific juju host controller IP"
     echo -e "     -S <VCA secret> use VCA/juju secret key"
     echo -e "     -P <VCA pubkey> use VCA/juju public key file"
@@ -40,9 +41,10 @@ function usage(){
     echo -e "     --vimemu:       additionally deploy the VIM emulator as a docker container"
     echo -e "     --elk_stack:    additionally deploy an ELK docker stack for event logging"
     echo -e "     --pla:          install the PLA module for placement support"
-    echo -e "     --pm_stack:     additionally deploy a Prometheus+Grafana stack for performance monitoring (PM)"
-    echo -e "     -m <MODULE>:    install OSM but only rebuild the specified docker images (LW-UI, NBI, LCM, RO, MON, POL, KAFKA, MONGO, PROMETHEUS, KEYSTONE-DB, PLA, NONE)"
-    echo -e "     -o <ADDON>:     ONLY (un)installs one of the addons (vimemu, elk_stack, pm_stack)"
+    echo -e "     -m <MODULE>:    install OSM but only rebuild the specified docker images (LW-UI, NBI, LCM, RO, MON, POL, KAFKA, MONGO, PROMETHEUS, PROMETHEUS-CADVISOR, KEYSTONE-DB, PLA, NONE)"
+    echo -e "     -o <ADDON>:     ONLY (un)installs one of the addons (vimemu, elk_stack, k8s_monitor)"
+    echo -e "     -O <openrc file/cloud name>: Install OSM to an OpenStack infrastructure. <openrc file/cloud name> is required. If a <cloud name> is used, the clouds.yaml file should be under ~/.config/openstack/ or /etc/openstack/"
+    echo -e "     -N <openstack public network name/ID>: Public network name required to setup OSM to OpenStack"
     echo -e "     -D <devops path> use local devops installation path"
     echo -e "     -w <work dir>   Location to store runtime installation"
     echo -e "     -t <docker tag> specify osm docker tag (default is latest)"
@@ -58,22 +60,17 @@ function usage(){
     echo -e "     --uninstall:    uninstall OSM: remove the containers and delete NAT rules"
     echo -e "     --source:       install OSM from source code using the latest stable tag"
     echo -e "     --develop:      (deprecated, use '-b master') install OSM from source code using the master branch"
-    echo -e "     --soui:         install classic build of OSM (Rel THREE v3.1, based on LXD containers, with SO and UI)"
-    echo -e "     --lxdimages:    (only for Rel THREE with --soui) download lxd images from OSM repository instead of creating them from scratch"
     echo -e "     --pullimages:   pull/run osm images from"
-    echo -e "     -l <lxd_repo>:  (only for Rel THREE with --soui) use specified repository url for lxd images"
-    echo -e "     -p <path>:      (only for Rel THREE with --soui) use specified repository path for lxd images"
-    echo -e "     --nat:          (only for Rel THREE with --soui) install only NAT rules"
-    echo -e "     --noconfigure:  (only for Rel THREE with --soui) DO NOT install osmclient, DO NOT install NAT rules, DO NOT configure modules"
+    echo -e "     --k8s_monitor:  install the OSM kubernetes monitoring with prometheus and grafana"
+    echo -e "     --volume:       create a VM volume when installing to OpenStack"
     echo -e "     --showopts:     print chosen options and exit (only for debugging)"
-    #echo -e "     --clean_volumes To clear all the mounted volumes from docker swarm"
     echo -e "     -y:             do not prompt for confirmation, assumes yes"
     echo -e "     -h / --help:    print this help"
     echo -e "     --charmed:                   Deploy and operate OSM with Charms on k8s"
     echo -e "     [--bundle <bundle path>]:    Specify with which bundle to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
     echo -e "     [--k8s <kubeconfig path>]:   Specify with which kubernetes to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
-    echo -e "     [--vca <name>]:              Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped (--charmed option)" 
-    echo -e "     [--lxd <yaml path>]:         Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Cloud information (--charmed option)" 
+    echo -e "     [--vca <name>]:              Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped (--charmed option)"
+    echo -e "     [--lxd <yaml path>]:         Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Cloud information (--charmed option)"
     echo -e "     [--lxd-cred <yaml path>]:    Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Credentials information (--charmed option)"
     echo -e "     [--microstack]:              Installs microstack as a vim. (--charmed option)"
     echo -e "     [--ha]:                      Installs High Availability bundle. (--charmed option)"