diff --git a/descriptor-packages/README b/descriptor-packages/README
index 9d3482d5648efc447c83c8865dcc0cf712b1201a..0d99d6656921d79281b01dd5d78784012347edc6 100644
--- a/descriptor-packages/README
+++ b/descriptor-packages/README
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ You need to install charm tools to compile the charms required for the packages.
 On Fedora, install using: pip install charm-tools
 On Ubuntu, install using: apt install charm-tools
 For other platforms, check https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/tools-charm-tools
+You need also docker
 Due to license issues, for the IMS VNFD package, the IMS charm is fetched
 extracted from the respective git repository prior to packaging.  Because of
diff --git a/descriptor-packages/nsd/cirros_2vnf_ns/src/cirros_2vnf_nsd.yaml b/descriptor-packages/nsd/cirros_2vnf_ns/src/cirros_2vnf_nsd.yaml
index ed9433f4fad28a28d0dc3c20a78ab368293b9166..200f153821e3511377c46825406c9c3b2c505411 100644
--- a/descriptor-packages/nsd/cirros_2vnf_ns/src/cirros_2vnf_nsd.yaml
+++ b/descriptor-packages/nsd/cirros_2vnf_ns/src/cirros_2vnf_nsd.yaml
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ nsd:nsd-catalog:
                 # member-vnf-index-ref - entry from constituent vnf
                 # vnfd-id-ref - VNFD id
                 # vnfd-connection-point-ref - connection point name in the VNFD
-                -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: 1
-                    nsd:vnfd-id-ref: cirros_vnfd
-                    nsd:vnfd-connection-point-ref: eth0
-                -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: 2
-                    nsd:vnfd-id-ref: cirros_vnfd
-                    nsd:vnfd-connection-point-ref: eth0
+                -   member-vnf-index-ref: 1
+                    vnfd-id-ref: cirros_vnfd
+                    vnfd-connection-point-ref: eth0
+                -   member-vnf-index-ref: 2
+                    vnfd-id-ref: cirros_vnfd
+                    vnfd-connection-point-ref: eth0
diff --git a/descriptor-packages/nsd/cirros_ns/src/cirros_nsd.yaml b/descriptor-packages/nsd/cirros_ns/src/cirros_nsd.yaml
index 9ec4e27f8b7e44cdcdd88e0310310f9ab901968a..85587d94e7ecc134f5398bc7cb743c329d3e50d1 100644
--- a/descriptor-packages/nsd/cirros_ns/src/cirros_nsd.yaml
+++ b/descriptor-packages/nsd/cirros_ns/src/cirros_nsd.yaml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ nsd:nsd-catalog:
                 # member-vnf-index-ref - entry from constituent vnf
                 # vnfd-id-ref - VNFD id
                 # vnfd-connection-point-ref - connection point name in the VNFD
-                -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: 1
-                    nsd:vnfd-id-ref: cirros_vnfd
+                -   member-vnf-index-ref: 1
+                    vnfd-id-ref: cirros_vnfd
                     # NOTE: Validate the entry below
-                    nsd:vnfd-connection-point-ref: eth0
+                    vnfd-connection-point-ref: eth0
diff --git a/descriptor-packages/nsd/ping_pong_ns/src/ping_pong_nsd.yaml b/descriptor-packages/nsd/ping_pong_ns/src/ping_pong_nsd.yaml
index 675a7b2e771105d37c86c4c20bb6c65e89d44f6f..347c78e94f4961e31a4c63c3b4a72d7cc573b6ef 100644
--- a/descriptor-packages/nsd/ping_pong_ns/src/ping_pong_nsd.yaml
+++ b/descriptor-packages/nsd/ping_pong_ns/src/ping_pong_nsd.yaml
@@ -16,87 +16,87 @@
-    nsd:nsd:
-     -  nsd:id: rift_ping_pong_ns
-        nsd:logo: rift_logo.png
-        nsd:name: ping_pong_ns
-        nsd:short-name: ping_pong_ns
-        nsd:vendor: RIFT.io
-        nsd:version: '1.1'
-        nsd:description: RIFT.io sample ping pong network service
-        nsd:constituent-vnfd:
-        -   nsd:member-vnf-index: '1'
-            nsd:vnfd-id-ref: rift_ping_vnf
-        -   nsd:member-vnf-index: '2'
-            nsd:vnfd-id-ref: rift_pong_vnf
-        nsd:initial-service-primitive:
-        -   nsd:name: start traffic
-            nsd:parameter:
-            -   nsd:name: port
-                nsd:value: 5555
-            -   nsd:name: ssh-username
-                nsd:value: fedora
-            -   nsd:name: ssh-password
-                nsd:value: fedora
-            nsd:seq: '1'
-            nsd:user-defined-script: start_traffic.py
-        nsd:input-parameter-xpath:
-        -   nsd:xpath: /nsd:nsd-catalog/nsd:nsd/nsd:vendor
-        nsd:ip-profiles:
-        -   nsd:description: Inter VNF Link
-            nsd:ip-profile-params:
-                nsd:gateway-address:
-                nsd:ip-version: ipv4
-                nsd:subnet-address:
-                nsd:dhcp-params:
-                  nsd:count: 200
-                  nsd:start-address:
-            nsd:name: InterVNFLink
-        nsd:placement-groups:
-        -   nsd:member-vnfd:
-            -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: '1'
-                nsd:vnfd-id-ref: rift_ping_vnf
-            -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: '2'
-                nsd:vnfd-id-ref: rift_pong_vnf
-            nsd:name: Orcus
-            nsd:requirement: Place this VM on the Kuiper belt object Orcus
-            nsd:strategy: COLOCATION
-        -   nsd:member-vnfd:
-            -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: '1'
-                nsd:vnfd-id-ref: rift_ping_vnf
-            -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: '2'
-                nsd:vnfd-id-ref: rift_pong_vnf
-            nsd:name: Quaoar
-            nsd:requirement: Place this VM on the Kuiper belt object Quaoar
-            nsd:strategy: COLOCATION
-        nsd:vld:
-        -   nsd:id: mgmt_vl
-            nsd:description: Management VL
-            nsd:name: mgmt_vl
-            nsd:short-name: mgmt_vl
-            nsd:type: ELAN
-            nsd:vendor: RIFT.io
-            nsd:version: '1.0'
-            nsd:mgmt-network: 'true'
-            nsd:vnfd-connection-point-ref:
-            -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: '1'
-                nsd:vnfd-connection-point-ref: ping_vnfd/cp0
-                nsd:vnfd-id-ref: rift_ping_vnf
-            -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: '2'
-                nsd:vnfd-connection-point-ref: pong_vnfd/cp0
-                nsd:vnfd-id-ref: rift_pong_vnf
-        -   nsd:id: ping_pong_vl1
-            nsd:description: Data VL
-            nsd:ip-profile-ref: InterVNFLink
-            nsd:name: data_vl
-            nsd:short-name: data_vl
-            nsd:type: ELAN
-            nsd:vendor: RIFT.io
-            nsd:version: '1.0'
-            nsd:vnfd-connection-point-ref:
-            -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: '1'
-                nsd:vnfd-connection-point-ref: ping_vnfd/cp1
-                nsd:vnfd-id-ref: rift_ping_vnf
-            -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: '2'
-                nsd:vnfd-connection-point-ref: pong_vnfd/cp1
-                nsd:vnfd-id-ref: rift_pong_vnf
+    nsd:
+     -  id: rift_ping_pong_ns
+        logo: rift_logo.png
+        name: ping_pong_ns
+        short-name: ping_pong_ns
+        vendor: RIFT.io
+        version: '1.1'
+        description: RIFT.io sample ping pong network service
+        constituent-vnfd:
+        -   member-vnf-index: '1'
+            vnfd-id-ref: rift_ping_vnf
+        -   member-vnf-index: '2'
+            vnfd-id-ref: rift_pong_vnf
+        initial-service-primitive:
+        -   name: start traffic
+            parameter:
+            -   name: port
+                value: 5555
+            -   name: ssh-username
+                value: fedora
+            -   name: ssh-password
+                value: fedora
+            seq: '1'
+            user-defined-script: start_traffic.py
+        input-parameter-xpath:
+        -   xpath: /nsd:nsd-catalog/nsd:nsd/nsd:vendor
+        ip-profiles:
+        -   description: Inter VNF Link
+            ip-profile-params:
+                gateway-address:
+                ip-version: ipv4
+                subnet-address:
+                dhcp-params:
+                  count: 200
+                  start-address:
+            name: InterVNFLink
+        placement-groups:
+        -   member-vnfd:
+            -   member-vnf-index-ref: '1'
+                vnfd-id-ref: rift_ping_vnf
+            -   member-vnf-index-ref: '2'
+                vnfd-id-ref: rift_pong_vnf
+            name: Orcus
+            requirement: Place this VM on the Kuiper belt object Orcus
+            strategy: COLOCATION
+        -   member-vnfd:
+            -   member-vnf-index-ref: '1'
+                vnfd-id-ref: rift_ping_vnf
+            -   member-vnf-index-ref: '2'
+                vnfd-id-ref: rift_pong_vnf
+            name: Quaoar
+            requirement: Place this VM on the Kuiper belt object Quaoar
+            strategy: COLOCATION
+        vld:
+        -   id: mgmt_vl
+            description: Management VL
+            name: mgmt_vl
+            short-name: mgmt_vl
+            type: ELAN
+            vendor: RIFT.io
+            version: '1.0'
+            mgmt-network: 'true'
+            vnfd-connection-point-ref:
+            -   member-vnf-index-ref: '1'
+                vnfd-connection-point-ref: ping_vnfd/cp0
+                vnfd-id-ref: rift_ping_vnf
+            -   member-vnf-index-ref: '2'
+                vnfd-connection-point-ref: pong_vnfd/cp0
+                vnfd-id-ref: rift_pong_vnf
+        -   id: ping_pong_vl1
+            description: Data VL
+            ip-profile-ref: InterVNFLink
+            name: data_vl
+            short-name: data_vl
+            type: ELAN
+            vendor: RIFT.io
+            version: '1.0'
+            vnfd-connection-point-ref:
+            -   member-vnf-index-ref: '1'
+                vnfd-connection-point-ref: ping_vnfd/cp1
+                vnfd-id-ref: rift_ping_vnf
+            -   member-vnf-index-ref: '2'
+                vnfd-connection-point-ref: pong_vnfd/cp1
+                vnfd-id-ref: rift_pong_vnf
diff --git a/descriptor-packages/nsd/ubuntu_xenial_ns/src/ubuntu_xenial_nsd.yaml b/descriptor-packages/nsd/ubuntu_xenial_ns/src/ubuntu_xenial_nsd.yaml
index 7f91d439bf17ada001108c413b403e8a5b7f70a9..6a16267ad84f1ac54287e0c73e1c153707ca3657 100644
--- a/descriptor-packages/nsd/ubuntu_xenial_ns/src/ubuntu_xenial_nsd.yaml
+++ b/descriptor-packages/nsd/ubuntu_xenial_ns/src/ubuntu_xenial_nsd.yaml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ nsd:nsd-catalog:
                 # member-vnf-index-ref - entry from constituent vnf
                 # vnfd-id-ref - VNFD id
                 # vnfd-connection-point-ref - connection point name in the VNFD
-                -   nsd:member-vnf-index-ref: 1
-                    nsd:vnfd-id-ref: ubuntu_xenial_vnfd
+                -   member-vnf-index-ref: 1
+                    vnfd-id-ref: ubuntu_xenial_vnfd
                     # NOTE: Validate the entry below
-                    nsd:vnfd-connection-point-ref: eth0
+                    vnfd-connection-point-ref: eth0
diff --git a/descriptor-packages/vnfd/ping_vnf/src/ping_vnfd.yaml b/descriptor-packages/vnfd/ping_vnf/src/ping_vnfd.yaml
index 8c7773f4ce68bca6c3de7ea035e79c3413a4ec35..446646b4a6e586f0240a681f932e6735ff7bd01a 100644
--- a/descriptor-packages/vnfd/ping_vnf/src/ping_vnfd.yaml
+++ b/descriptor-packages/vnfd/ping_vnf/src/ping_vnfd.yaml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-    vnfd:vnfd:
+    vnfd:
      -  id: rift_ping_vnf
         name: ping_vnf
         short-name: ping_vnf