diff --git a/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_helper.groovy b/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_helper.groovy
index 1e724ff7a522c47d9514c130ed03a068a1263c09..a2ededc52acb94e732e9f2b3be1ccf8e78b74a7a 100644
--- a/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_helper.groovy
+++ b/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_helper.groovy
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ def lxc_file_push(container_name,file,destination) {
 // start a http server
 // return the http server URL
-def start_http_server(repo_dir,server_name) {
-    sh "docker run -dit --name ${server_name} -v ${repo_dir}:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ httpd:2.4"
+def start_http_server(repo_dir,server_name,port) {
+    sh "docker run -dit --name ${server_name} -p ${port}:80 -v ${repo_dir}:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ httpd:2.4"
     def http_server_ip = sh(returnStdout:true,  script: "docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' ${server_name}").trim()
     return "http://${http_server_ip}/"
diff --git a/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_stage_2.groovy b/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_stage_2.groovy
index 4d23cf1759129bbd2538d3c21edf2cde516683fc..67d1b5b607ca1026743d332f4b90698dd2062d1a 100644
--- a/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_stage_2.groovy
+++ b/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_stage_2.groovy
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def project_checkout(url_prefix,project,refspec,revision) {
     // checkout the project
     // this is done automaticaly by the multibranch pipeline plugin
     // git url: "${url_prefix}/${project}"
     sh "git fetch --tags"
     sh "git fetch origin ${refspec}"
     if (GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION.size() > 0 ) {
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def ci_pipeline(mdg,url_prefix,project,branch,refspec,revision,do_stage_3,artifa
     stage('License Scan') {
       if (!JOB_NAME.contains('merge')) {
         sh "devops/tools/license_scan.sh"
-      } 
+      }
       else {
         println("skip the scan for merge")
diff --git a/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_stage_3.groovy b/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_stage_3.groovy
index 8906ffce93d6fddc076d0591a8908efd727fc075..71e53868ec0e666e088a57c4dfc6766e969a961b 100644
--- a/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_stage_3.groovy
+++ b/jenkins/ci-pipelines/ci_stage_3.groovy
@@ -15,13 +15,6 @@
  *   under the License.
-/* Change log:
- * 1. Bug 745 : Jayant Madavi, Mrityunjay Yadav : JM00553988@techmahindra.com : 23-july-2019 : Improvement to the code, typically we have 2 *    or more branches whose build gets triggered, ex master & release branch, the previous code was removing any/all docker.
- *	  Now removing previous docker of the same branch, so that the other branch failed docker should not be removed. It also
- *    acts as clean-up for previous docker remove failure.
- * 2. Feature 7829 : Mrityunjay Yadav, Jayant Madavi: MY00514913@techmahindra.com : 19-Aug-2019 : Added a parameters & function to invoke Robot test.
- */
         string(defaultValue: env.GERRIT_BRANCH, description: '', name: 'GERRIT_BRANCH'),
@@ -54,6 +47,7 @@ properties([
         string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/robot-systest.cfg', description: '', name: 'ROBOT_VIM'),
         string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/kubeconfig.yaml', description: '', name: 'KUBECONFIG'),
         string(defaultValue: '/home/jenkins/hive/clouds.yaml', description: '', name: 'CLOUDS'),
+        string(defaultValue: 'Default', description: '', name: 'INSTALLER'),
@@ -61,7 +55,7 @@ def uninstall_osm(stackName) {
     sh """
          export OSM_USE_LOCAL_DEVOPS=true
          export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin
-         installers/full_install_osm.sh -y -w /tmp/osm -t ${stackName} -s ${stackName} --test --nolxd --nodocker --nojuju --nohostports --nohostclient --uninstall
+         installers/full_install_osm.sh -y -c swarm -w /tmp/osm -t ${stackName} -s ${stackName} --test --nolxd --nodocker --nojuju --nohostports --nohostclient --uninstall
@@ -77,37 +71,93 @@ def run_systest(stackName,tagName,testName,envfile=null) {
     junit  '*.xml'
-def run_robot_systest(stackName,tagName,testName,envfile=null,kubeconfig=null,clouds=null) {
+def run_robot_systest(tagName,testName,osmHostname,prometheusHostname,prometheus_port=null,envfile=null,kubeconfig=null,clouds=null,hostfile=null,jujuPassword=null) {
     tempdir = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "mktemp -d").trim()
     if ( !envfile )
         sh(script: "touch ${tempdir}/env")
-    sh "docker run --network net${stackName} --env OSM_HOSTNAME=${stackName}_nbi --env PROMETHEUS_HOSTNAME=${stackName}_prometheus --env-file ${envfile} -v ${clouds}:/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml -v ${kubeconfig}:/root/.kube/config -v ${tempdir}:/robot-systest/reports opensourcemano/tests:${tagName} -c -t ${testName}"
-    sh "cp ${tempdir}/* ."
-    outputDirectory = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "pwd").trim()
-    println ("Present Directory is : ${outputDirectory}")
-    step([
-        $class : 'RobotPublisher',
-        outputPath : "${outputDirectory}",
-        outputFileName : "*.xml",
-        disableArchiveOutput : false,
-        reportFileName : "report.html",
-        logFileName : "log.html",
-        passThreshold : 0,
-        unstableThreshold: 0,
-        otherFiles : "*.png",
-    ])
+    if ( prometheusPort != null) {
+        PROMETHEUS_PORT_VAR = "--env PROMETHEUS_PORT="+prometheusPort
+    }
+    hostfilemount=""
+    if ( hostfile ) {
+        hostfilemount="-v "+hostfile+":/etc/hosts"
+    }
+    if ( jujuPassword != null) {
+        JUJU_PASSWORD_VAR = "--env JUJU_PASSWORD="+jujuPassword
+    }
+    try {
+        sh "docker run --env OSM_HOSTNAME=${osmHostname} --env PROMETHEUS_HOSTNAME=${prometheusHostname} ${PROMETHEUS_PORT_VAR} ${JUJU_PASSWORD_VAR} --env-file ${envfile} -v ${clouds}:/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml -v ${kubeconfig}:/root/.kube/config -v ${tempdir}:/robot-systest/reports ${hostfilemount} opensourcemano/tests:${tagName} -c -t ${testName}"
+    } finally {
+        sh "cp ${tempdir}/* ."
+        outputDirectory = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "pwd").trim()
+        println ("Present Directory is : ${outputDirectory}")
+        step([
+            $class : 'RobotPublisher',
+            outputPath : "${outputDirectory}",
+            outputFileName : "*.xml",
+            disableArchiveOutput : false,
+            reportFileName : "report.html",
+            logFileName : "log.html",
+            passThreshold : 0,
+            unstableThreshold: 0,
+            otherFiles : "*.png",
+        ])
+    }
-def archive_logs(stackName) {
-    sh "docker service ls |grep \"${stackName}\"| awk '{print \$2}'| xargs -iy docker service logs y --timestamps > containers_logs.txt 2>&1"
-    archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'containers_logs.txt'
+def archive_logs(remote) {
+-def archive_logs(stackName) {
+-    sh "docker service ls |grep \"${stackName}\"| awk '{print \$2}'| xargs -iy docker service logs y --timestamps > containers_logs.txt 2>&1"
+-    archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'containers_logs.txt'
+    sshCommand remote: remote, command: '''mkdir -p logs'''
+    if (useCharmedInstaller) {
+        sshCommand remote: remote, command: '''
+            for container in `kubectl get pods -n osm | grep -v operator | grep -v NAME| awk '{print $1}'`; do
+                logfile=`echo $container | cut -d- -f1`
+                echo "Extracting log for $logfile"
+                kubectl logs -n osm $container --timestamps=true 2>&1 > logs/$logfile.log
+            done
+        '''
+    } else {
+        sshCommand remote: remote, command: '''
+            for service in `docker service ls| grep \"${stackName}\"| awk '{print \$2}`; do
+                echo "Extracting log for $service"
+                docker service logs $service --timestamps 2>&1 > logs/$service.log
+            done
+        '''
+    }
+    sh "rm -rf logs"
+    sshCommand remote: remote, command: '''ls -al logs'''
+    sshGet remote: remote, from: 'logs', into: '.', override: true
+    sh "cp logs/* ."
+    archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.log'
+def get_value(key, output) {
+    for (String line : output.split( '\n' )) {
+        data = line.split( '\\|' )
+        if (data.length > 1) {
+            if ( data[1].trim() == key ) {
+                return data[2].trim()
+            }
+        }
+    }
 node("${params.NODE}") {
+    INTERNAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY = 'osm.etsi.org:5050/devops/cicd/'
+    SSH_KEY = '~/hive/cicd_rsa'
     sh 'env'
     tag_or_branch = params.GERRIT_BRANCH.replaceAll(/\./,"")
@@ -148,7 +198,6 @@ node("${params.NODE}") {
                            projectName: "${component}${upstream_main_job}/${GERRIT_BRANCH}"])
                     // grab the build name/number
-                    //options = get_env_from_build('build.env')
                     build_num = ci_helper.get_env_value('build.env','BUILD_NUMBER')
                     // grab the archives from the stage_2 builds (ie. this will be the artifacts stored based on a merge)
@@ -167,9 +216,6 @@ node("${params.NODE}") {
                            selector: [$class: 'SpecificBuildSelector', buildNumber: "${params.UPSTREAM_JOB_NUMBER}"]
-                    //options = get_env_from_build('build.env')
-                    // grab the build name/number
-                    //build_num = sh(returnStdout:true,  script: "cat build.env | awk -F= '/BUILD_NUMBER/{print \$2}'").trim()
                     build_num = ci_helper.get_env_value('build.env','BUILD_NUMBER')
                     component = ci_helper.get_mdg_from_project(ci_helper.get_env_value('build.env','GERRIT_PROJECT'))
@@ -202,6 +248,7 @@ node("${params.NODE}") {
                 // copy the public key into the release folder
                 // this pulls the key from the home dir of the current user (jenkins)
+                sh "cp ~/${REPO_KEY_NAME} 'OSM ETSI Release Key.gpg'"
                 sh "cp ~/${REPO_KEY_NAME} ."
                 // merge the change logs
@@ -215,7 +262,10 @@ node("${params.NODE}") {
             http_server_name = "${container_name}-apache"
             pwd = sh(returnStdout:true,  script: 'pwd').trim()
-            repo_base_url = ci_helper.start_http_server(pwd,http_server_name)
+            repo_port = sh(script: 'echo $(python -c \'import socket; s=socket.socket(); s.bind(("", 0)); print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()\');', returnStdout: true).trim()
+            repo_base_url = ci_helper.start_http_server(pwd,http_server_name,repo_port)
+            NODE_IP_ADDRESS=sh(returnStdout: true, script:
+                "echo ${SSH_CONNECTION} | awk '{print \$3}'").trim()
         // now pull the devops package and install in temporary location
@@ -223,24 +273,76 @@ node("${params.NODE}") {
         osm_devops_dpkg = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "find . -name osm-devops*.deb").trim()
         sh "dpkg -x ${osm_devops_dpkg} ${tempdir}"
+        println("Repo base URL=${repo_base_url}")
     dir(OSM_DEVOPS) {
+        def remote = [:]
         error = null
         if ( params.DO_BUILD ) {
             stage("Build") {
                 sh "make -C docker clean"
                 sh "make -C docker -j `nproc` Q= CMD_DOCKER_ARGS= TAG=${container_name} RELEASE=${params.RELEASE} REPOSITORY_BASE=${repo_base_url} REPOSITORY_KEY=${params.REPO_KEY_NAME} REPOSITORY=${params.REPO_DISTRO}"
+            stage("Push to internal registry") {
+                withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 'gitlab-registry',
+                                usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD']]) {
+                    sh "docker login ${INTERNAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY} -u ${USERNAME} -p ${PASSWORD}"
+                }
+                sh "make -C docker push INPUT_TAG=${container_name} TAG=${container_name} DOCKER_REGISTRY=${INTERNAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY}"
+            }
         try {
+            useCharmedInstaller = params.INSTALLER.equalsIgnoreCase("charmed")
             if ( params.DO_INSTALL ) {
-                stage("Install") {
-                    //will by default always delete containers on complete
-                    //sh "jenkins/system/delete_old_containers.sh ${container_name_prefix}"
+                stage("Spawn Remote VM") {
+                    println("Launching new VM")
+                    output=sh(returnStdout: true, script: """#!/bin/sh -e
+                        for line in `grep OS ~/hive/robot-systest.cfg | grep -v OS_CLOUD` ; do export \$line ; done
+                        openstack server create --flavor m1.xlarge \
+                                                --image ubuntu18.04 \
+                                                --key-name CICD \
+                                                --nic net-id=osm-ext \
+                                                ${container_name}
+                    """).trim()
+                    server_id = get_value('id', output)
+                    if (server_id == null) {
+                        println("VM launch output: ")
+                        println(output)
+                        throw new Exception("VM Launch failed")
+                    }
+                    println("Target VM is ${server_id}, waiting for IP address to be assigned")
+                    IP_ADDRESS = ""
+                    while (IP_ADDRESS == "") {
+                        output=sh(returnStdout: true, script: """#!/bin/sh -e
+                            for line in `grep OS ~/hive/robot-systest.cfg | grep -v OS_CLOUD` ; do export \$line ; done
+                            openstack server show ${server_id}
+                        """).trim()
+                        IP_ADDRESS = get_value('addresses', output)
+                    }
+                    IP_ADDRESS = IP_ADDRESS.split('=')[1]
+                    println("Waiting for VM at ${IP_ADDRESS} to be reachable")
+                    alive = false
+                    while (! alive) {
+                        output=sh(returnStdout: true, script: "sleep 1 ; nc -zv ${IP_ADDRESS} 22 2>&1 || true").trim()
+                        println("output is [$output]")
+                        alive = output.contains("succeeded")
+                    }
+                    println("VM is ready and accepting ssh connections")
+                }
+                stage("Install") {
                     commit_id = ''
                     repo_distro = ''
                     repo_key_name = ''
@@ -270,66 +372,129 @@ node("${params.NODE}") {
                         repo_base_url = "-u ${params.REPOSITORY_BASE}"
-					if ( params.DO_STAGE_4 ) {
-					    try {
-                        sh "docker stack list |grep \"${container_name_prefix}\"|  awk '{ print \$1 }'| xargs docker stack rm"
-						}
-						catch (caughtError) {
-						  println("Caught error: docker stack rm failed!")
-						}
-					}
-                    sh """
-                        export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin
-                        installers/full_install_osm.sh -y -s ${container_name} --test --nolxd --nodocker --nojuju --nohostports --nohostclient \
-                                                        --nodockerbuild -t ${container_name} \
-                                                        -w /tmp/osm \
-                                                        ${commit_id} \
-                                                        ${repo_distro} \
-                                                        ${repo_base_url} \
-                                                        ${repo_key_name} \
-                                                        ${release} \
-                                                        ${params.BUILD_FROM_SOURCE}
-                       """
+                    else
+                    {
+                        repo_base_url = "-u http://${NODE_IP_ADDRESS}:${repo_port}"
+                    }
+                    remote.name = container_name
+                    remote.host = IP_ADDRESS
+                    remote.user = 'ubuntu'
+                    remote.identityFile = SSH_KEY
+                    remote.allowAnyHosts = true
+                    remote.logLevel = 'INFO'
+                    remote.pty = true
+                    sshCommand remote: remote, command: """
+                        wget https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-8.0-eight/install_osm.sh
+                        chmod +x ./install_osm.sh
+                        sed -i '1 i\\export PATH=/snap/bin:\${PATH}' ~/.bashrc
+                    """
+                    if ( useCharmedInstaller ) {
+                        // Use local proxy for docker hub
+                        sshCommand remote: remote, command: '''
+                            sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.19/stable
+                            sudo sed -i "s|https://registry-1.docker.io||" /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/containerd-template.toml
+                            sudo systemctl restart snap.microk8s.daemon-containerd.service
+                            sudo snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl
+                        '''
+                        withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 'gitlab-registry',
+                                        usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD']]) {
+                            sshCommand remote: remote, command: """
+                                ./install_osm.sh -y \
+                                    ${repo_base_url} \
+                                    ${repo_key_name} \
+                                    ${release} -r unstable \
+                                    --charmed  \
+                                    --registry ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}@${INTERNAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY} \
+                                    --tag ${container_name}
+                            """
+                        }
+                        prometheusHostname = "prometheus."+IP_ADDRESS+".xip.io"
+                        prometheusPort = 80
+                        osmHostname = "nbi."+IP_ADDRESS+".xip.io:443"
+                    } else {
+                        // Run -k8s installer here specifying internal docker registry and docker proxy
+                        withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: 'gitlab-registry',
+                                        usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD']]) {
+                            sshCommand remote: remote, command: """
+                                ./install_osm.sh -y \
+                                    ${repo_base_url} \
+                                    ${repo_key_name} \
+                                    ${release} -r unstable \
+                                    -d ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}@${INTERNAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY} \
+                                    -p ${INTERNAL_DOCKER_PROXY} \
+                                    -t ${container_name}
+                            """
+                        }
+                        prometheusHostname = IP_ADDRESS
+                        prometheusPort = 9091
+                        osmHostname = IP_ADDRESS
+                    }
             stage_archive = false
             if ( params.DO_SMOKE ) {
                 stage("OSM Health") {
-                    sh "installers/osm_health.sh -s ${container_name}"
-                }
-                stage("Smoke") {
-                    run_systest(container_name,container_name,"smoke")
-                    // archive smoke success until stage_4 is ready
-                    if ( ! currentBuild.result.equals('UNSTABLE') ) {
-                        stage_archive = keep_artifacts
-                    } else {
-					   error = new Exception("Smoke test failed")
-					   currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
-					}
+                    stackName = "osm"
+                    sshCommand remote: remote, command: """
+                        /usr/share/osm-devops/installers/osm_health.sh -k -s ${stackName}
+                    """
             if ( params.DO_STAGE_4 ) {
                 // override stage_archive to only archive on stable
                 stage_archive = false
-                stage("System Integration Test") {
-                    if ( params.DO_ROBOT ) {
-                        run_robot_systest(container_name,container_name,params.TEST_NAME,params.ROBOT_VIM,params.KUBECONFIG,params.CLOUDS)
-                    } //else {
-                    run_systest(container_name,container_name,"openstack_stage_4",params.HIVE_VIM_1)
-                    //}
-                    // Archive logs to containers_logs.txt
-                    archive_logs(container_name)
-                    if ( ! currentBuild.result.equals('UNSTABLE') && ! currentBuild.result.equals('FAILURE')) {
-                        stage_archive = keep_artifacts
-                    } else {
-                       println ("Systest test failed, throwing error")
-					   error = new Exception("Systest test failed")
-					   currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
-					   throw error
-					}
+                try {
+                    stage("System Integration Test") {
+                        if ( params.DO_ROBOT ) {
+                            if( useCharmedInstaller ) {
+                                tempdir = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "mktemp -d").trim()
+                                sh(script: "touch ${tempdir}/hosts")
+                                hostfile="${tempdir}/hosts"
+                                sh """cat << EOF > ${hostfile}
+           localhost
+${remote.host}      prometheus.${remote.host}.xip.io nbi.${remote.host}.xip.io
+                            } else {
+                                hostfile=null
+                            }
+                            jujuPassword=sshCommand remote: remote, command: """
+                                echo `juju gui 2>&1 | grep password | cut -d: -f2`
+                            """
+                            run_robot_systest(
+                                container_name,
+                                params.TEST_NAME,
+                                osmHostname,
+                                prometheusHostname,
+                                prometheusPort,
+                                params.ROBOT_VIM,
+                                params.KUBECONFIG,
+                                params.CLOUDS,
+                                hostfile,
+                                jujuPassword)
+                        }
+                    }
+                } finally {
+                    stage("Archive Container Logs") {
+                        // Archive logs to containers_logs.txt
+                        archive_logs(remote)
+                        if ( ! currentBuild.result.equals('UNSTABLE') && ! currentBuild.result.equals('FAILURE')) {
+                            stage_archive = keep_artifacts
+                        } else {
+                            println ("Systest test failed, throwing error")
+                            error = new Exception("Systest test failed")
+                            currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
+                            throw error
+                        }
+                    }
@@ -347,6 +512,41 @@ node("${params.NODE}") {
                         stage("Docker Push") {
                             sh "make -C docker push INPUT_TAG=${container_name} TAG=${params.DOCKER_TAG}"
+                        stage("Snap promotion") {
+                            def snaps = ["osmclient"]
+                            for (snap in snaps) {
+                                channel=""
+                                if (BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("v")) {
+                                    channel=BRANCH_NAME.substring(1)+"/"
+                                } else if (BRANCH_NAME!="master") {
+                                    channel+="/"+BRANCH_NAME.replaceAll('/','-')
+                                }
+                                track=channel+"edge\\*"
+                                edge_rev=sh(returnStdout: true,
+                                    script: "sudo docker run -v ~/.snapcraft:/snapcraft -v ${WORKSPACE}:/build " +
+                                    "-w /build snapcore/snapcraft:stable /bin/bash -c " +
+                                    "\"snapcraft login --with /snapcraft/config &>/dev/null && " +
+                                    "snapcraft revisions $snap\" | " +
+                                    "grep \"$track\" | tail -1 | awk '{print \$1}'").trim()
+                                track=channel+"beta\\*"
+                                beta_rev=sh(returnStdout: true,
+                                    script: "sudo docker run -v ~/.snapcraft:/snapcraft -v ${WORKSPACE}:/build " +
+                                    "-w /build snapcore/snapcraft:stable /bin/bash -c " +
+                                    "\"snapcraft login --with /snapcraft/config &>/dev/null && " +
+                                    "snapcraft revisions $snap\" | " +
+                                    "grep \"$track\" | tail -1 | awk '{print \$1}'").trim()
+                                if ( edge_rev != beta_rev ) {
+                                    print "Promoting $edge_rev to beta in place of $beta_rev"
+                                    beta_track=channel+"beta"
+                                    sh("sudo docker run -v ~/.snapcraft:/snapcraft -v ${WORKSPACE}:/build " +
+                                        "-w /build snapcore/snapcraft:stable /bin/bash -c " +
+                                        "\"snapcraft login --with /snapcraft/config &>/dev/null && " +
+                                        "snapcraft release $snap $edge_rev $beta_track\"")
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
@@ -354,26 +554,33 @@ node("${params.NODE}") {
         catch(Exception ex) {
             error = ex
             currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
-            println("Caught error")
-            println(ex.getMessage())
+            println("Caught error: "+ex)
         finally {
-            if ( params.DO_INSTALL ) {
-                if (error) {
-                    if ( !params.SAVE_CONTAINER_ON_FAIL ) {
-                        uninstall_osm container_name
-                        sh "docker stop ${http_server_name} || true"
-                        sh "docker rm ${http_server_name} || true"
-                    }
+            println("Entered finally block")
+            if ( params.DO_INSTALL && server_id != null) {
+                delete_vm = true
+                if (error && params.SAVE_CONTAINER_ON_FAIL ) {
+                    delete_vm = false
-                else {
-                    if ( !params.SAVE_CONTAINER_ON_PASS ) {
-                        uninstall_osm container_name
-                        sh "docker stop ${http_server_name} || true"
-                        sh "docker rm ${http_server_name} || true"
+                if (!error && params.SAVE_CONTAINER_ON_PASS ) {
+                    delete_vm = false
+                }
+                if ( delete_vm ) {
+                    if (server_id != null) {
+                        println("Deleting VM: $server_id")
+                        sh """#!/bin/sh -e
+                            for line in `grep OS ~/hive/robot-systest.cfg | grep -v OS_CLOUD` ; do export \$line ; done
+                            openstack server delete ${server_id}
+                        """
+                    } else {
+                        println("Saved VM $server_id in ETSI VIM")
+            sh "docker stop ${http_server_name} || true"
+            sh "docker rm ${http_server_name} || true"