From 1ce95b39c9ed3320a49c176e93d2eba93874cdcb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeremy Mordkoff <>
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2017 16:25:32 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] updates for R3 packaging improvements SO and UI do not have
 to share build and runtime containers

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Mordkoff <>
 jenkins/SO/install  | 41 ++++++++----------------
 jenkins/UI/SETTINGS |  4 +--
 jenkins/UI/install  | 78 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/jenkins/SO/install b/jenkins/SO/install
index d881a42d..f83f82ab 100755
--- a/jenkins/SO/install
+++ b/jenkins/SO/install
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ set -o nounset    # Expanding an unset variable is an error.  Variables must be
 # Set up repo and version
 while getopts ":P:V:h" o; do
     case "${o}" in
@@ -94,8 +94,7 @@ apt-get update
 # and install the tools
 apt remove -y rw.toolchain-rwbase tcpdump
 apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades${PLATFORM_VERSION}${PLATFORM_VERSION} python
-/usr/rift/container_tools/mkcontainer --modes ext --modes platform --rw-version ${PLATFORM_VERSION}
-pip3 install lxml==3.4.0
+/usr/rift/container_tools/mkcontainer --modes MANO-base --rw-version ${PLATFORM_VERSION}
 chmod 777 /usr/rift /usr/rift/usr/share
@@ -106,28 +105,14 @@ rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/RIFT.list
 apt-get update
 apt-get install -y \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwcal_yang_ylib-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwconfig_agent_yang_ylib-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwlaunchpad_yang_ylib-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-mano_yang_ylib-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-common-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwsdn_yang_ylib-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwsdnal_yang_ylib-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-mano-types_yang_ylib-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwcal-cloudsim-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwcal-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rw_conman_yang_ylib-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwcalproxytasklet-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwlaunchpad-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwcal-openmano-vimconnector-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-lpmocklet_yang_ylib-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwmon-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwcloud_yang_ylib-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwcal-openstack-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rw.core.mano_foss \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwmon_yang_ylib-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwcm-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwcal-mock-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwcal-cloudsimproxy-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-models-1.0 \
-	     rw.core.mano-rwcal-aws-1.0
+    rw.core.mano-mano-1.0 \
+    rw.core.mano-rwcal-plugin-aws-1.0 \
+    rw.core.mano-rwcal-plugin-cloudsim-1.0 \
+    rw.core.mano-rwcal-plugin-cloudsimproxy-1.0 \
+    rw.core.mano-rwcal-plugin-openmano-vimconnector-1.0 \
+    rw.core.mano-rwcal-plugin-openstack-1.0 \
+    rw.core.mano-rwcal-plugin-mock-1.0 
diff --git a/jenkins/UI/SETTINGS b/jenkins/UI/SETTINGS
index 995e01d9..90ca5549 100644
--- a/jenkins/UI/SETTINGS
+++ b/jenkins/UI/SETTINGS
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export OSM_BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:16.04
 # this variable holds the name of the container to be used to build a package
 # if this container already exists, the build process can skip the container build
 # this variable must be set to allow creating the build container in privileged mode
 # this variable should be removed in the future when no privileged mode is required
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export OSM_BUILD_CONTAINER=SO-ub
 # this variable holds the name of the container to be used to run a package
 # if this container already exists, the run processes can skip the container build
 # this variable must be set to allow creating the runtime container in privileged mode
 # this variable should be removed in the future when no privileged mode is required
diff --git a/jenkins/UI/install b/jenkins/UI/install
index 4ba71233..71296175 100755
--- a/jenkins/UI/install
+++ b/jenkins/UI/install
@@ -27,11 +27,85 @@ HERE=$(realpath $(dirname $0))
 OSM_JENKINS=$(dirname $HERE)
 . $OSM_JENKINS/common/install_common
-rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/RIFT.list 
+# Defensive bash programming flags
+set -o errexit    # Exit on any error
+trap 'echo ERROR: Command failed: \"$BASH_COMMAND\"' ERR
+set -o nounset    # Expanding an unset variable is an error.  Variables must be
+                  # set before they can be used.
+# Set up repo and version
+while getopts ":P:V:h" o; do
+    case "${o}" in
+        P)
+            ;;
+        V)
+            ;;
+        h)
+            usage
+            exit 0
+            ;;
+        *)
+            usage
+            exit 1
+            ;;
+    esac
+function usage() {
+    echo
+    echo "NAME:"
+    echo "  $0"
+    echo
+    echo "SYNOPSIS:"
+    echo "  $0 -h|--help"
+    echo
+    echo "DESCRIPTION:"
+    echo "  Prepare current system to run SO and UI."
+    echo
+    echo "  PLATFORM_REPOSITORY (optional): name of the RIFT.ware repository."
+    echo "  PLATFORM_VERSION (optional): version of the platform packages to be installed."
+    echo
+# Main block
+# enable the right repos
+curl | apt-key add -
+curl -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/RIFT.list${PLATFORM_REPOSITORY}/
+# Make the Rift repo a higher priority to work around version conflicts.
+cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/preferences.d/rift
+Package: *
+Pin: origin
+Pin-Priority: 600
 apt-get update
-apt-get install -y rw.ui-skyquake
+# and install the tools
+apt remove -y rw.toolchain-rwbase tcpdump
+apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades${PLATFORM_VERSION}${PLATFORM_VERSION} python
+/usr/rift/container_tools/mkcontainer --modes UI-base --rw-version ${PLATFORM_VERSION}
+chmod 777 /usr/rift /usr/rift/usr/share
+# now disable the RIFT OSM repo so that we'll get UI from
+# the OSM repos
+rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/RIFT.list
+apt-get update
+apt-get install -y rw.ui-skyquake
 echo "Creating Service ...."