diff --git a/19-lts-upgrade.md b/19-lts-upgrade.md
index 2afd8157e63f5aefcec7c3a11162a895bd772fb8..e10750778f117d059a6ac7f6675b647e7bb3c838 100644
--- a/19-lts-upgrade.md
+++ b/19-lts-upgrade.md
@@ -4,6 +4,216 @@
Starting with version 10.1.0 of OSM, every even numbered release will receive two years of community support. This document covers the steps needed for upgrading OSM. Depending on the installation method, there are two methods for upgrading OSM to an LTS version.
+## How to Upgrade OSM 12.x to 14.y LTS
+### Kubernetes Installation to 14.y
+#### Back up the Databases
+If desired, the databases can be backed up using the following commands:
+mysql_pod=$(kubectl get pod -n osm | grep -i mysql | tail -1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}')
+kubectl exec -n osm -it $mysql_pod -- bash -c \
+ 'mysqldump -u root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --single-transaction --all-databases' \
+ | gzip > backup.sql.gz
+mongodb_unit=$(juju status | grep -i mongodb | tail -1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}'| tr -d '[*]')
+mongodb_pod=$(kubectl get pod -n osm | grep -i mongodb | grep -v operator | tail -1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}')
+juju run-action $mongodb_unit backup --wait -m osm
+kubectl cp osm/$mongodb_pod:/data/backup.archive backup.archive
+#### Upgrade Juju
+The following commands will upgrade the OSM controller.
+sudo snap refresh juju --channel 2.9/stable
+juju upgrade-controller
+Next, for any native or proxy charms, upgrade each model.
+for model in $(juju models --format json | jq .models[].name | tr -d \") ; do
+ juju switch $model
+ juju upgrade-model
+#### Upgrade OSM Application
+First remove the old manifests and Kubernetes objects. Secrets will remain.
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/nbi.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/lcm.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/ro.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/grafana.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/ca_setup.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/zookeeper.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/kafka.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/mon.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/pol.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/keystone.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/mysql.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/prometheus.yaml
+kubectl -n osm delete -f /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/ng-ui.yaml
+Then, update MongoDB using the charm:
+# Build
+sudo snap install charmcraft --classic
+git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/devops
+cd devops/installers/charm/osm-update-db-operator
+charmcraft pack
+# Deploy
+juju add-model update-db k8scloud
+juju model-config default-series=kubernetes
+juju deploy ./osm-update-db_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm
+juju config osm-update-db mongodb-uri="mongodb://IP:27017"
+juju run-action osm-update-db/0 update-db current-version=12 target-version=14 mongodb-only=True --wait
+# Destroy model
+juju destroy-model update-db --force -y
+Create a new secret to be used by the OSM helm chart:
+OSM_DATABASE_COMMONKEY=$(kubectl -n osm get secret/nbi-secret --template='{{.data.OSMNBI_DATABASE_COMMONKEY | base64decode}}')
+OSM_SERVICE_PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n osm get secret/nbi-secret --template='{{.data.OSMNBI_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_PASSWORD | base64decode}}')
+OSM_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n osm get secret/keystone-secret --template='{{.data.ROOT_DB_PASSWORD | base64decode}}')
+OSM_KEYSTONE_DB_PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n osm get secret/keystone-secret --template='{{.data.KEYSTONE_DB_PASSWORD | base64decode}}')
+echo "OSM_SERVICE_PASSWORD=${OSM_SERVICE_PASSWORD}" | sudo tee -a osm.env
+echo "OSM_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${OSM_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" | sudo tee -a osm.env
+kubectl -n osm create secret generic osm-secret --from-env-file=osm.env
+Finally, deploy OSM with the helm chart:
+git clone "https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/devops"
+cd devops
+git checkout $OSM_VERSION
+# Add your own helm options (--set ...)
+# Check that there are no errors in the manifests
+helm -n osm template osm ./installers/helm/osm ${OSM_HELM_OPTS}
+# Deploy
+helm -n osm install osm ./installers/helm/osm ${OSM_HELM_OPTS}
+helm -n osm status osm
+At this point, OSM has been upgraded.
+## How to Upgrade OSM 14.x to OSM 14.y LTS in a helm-based installation
+### Back up the Databases
+If desired, the databases can be backed up using the following commands:
+mysql_pod=$(kubectl get pod -n osm | grep -i mysql | tail -1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}')
+kubectl exec -n osm -it $mysql_pod -- bash -c \
+ 'mysqldump -u root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --single-transaction --all-databases' \
+ | gzip > backup.sql.gz
+mongodb_unit=$(juju status | grep -i mongodb | tail -1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}'| tr -d '[*]')
+mongodb_pod=$(kubectl get pod -n osm | grep -i mongodb | grep -v operator | tail -1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}')
+juju run-action $mongodb_unit backup --wait -m osm
+kubectl cp osm/$mongodb_pod:/data/backup.archive backup.archive
+### Upgrade OSM Application
+git clone "https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/devops"
+cd devops
+git checkout $DESIRED_OSM_VERSION
+# Get the current values.yaml
+helm -n osm get values osm > myvalues.yaml
+# Compare current values.yaml with new values.yaml, and edit values.yaml conveniently
+# diff myvalues.yaml installers/helm/osm/values.yaml
+# Add your own helm options (--set ...)
+# OSM_HELM_OPTS="-f myvalues.yaml"
+# Check that there are no errors in the manifests
+helm -n osm template osm ./installers/helm/osm ${OSM_HELM_OPTS}
+# Upgrade OSM
+helm -n osm upgrade osm ./installers/helm/osm ${OSM_HELM_OPTS}
+helm -n osm status osm
+At this point, OSM has been upgraded.
+## How to Upgrade OSM 10.1.1 to 12.x LTS
+### Kubernetes Installation to 12.x
+#### Back up the Databases
+If desired, the databases can be backed up using the following commands:
+mysql_pod=$(kubectl get pod -n osm | grep -i mysql | tail -1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}')
+kubectl exec -n osm -it $mysql_pod -- bash -c \
+ 'mysqldump -u root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --single-transaction --all-databases' \
+ | gzip > backup.sql.gz
+mongodb_unit=$(juju status | grep -i mongodb | tail -1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}'| tr -d '[*]')
+mongodb_pod=$(kubectl get pod -n osm | grep -i mongodb | grep -v operator | tail -1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}')
+juju run-action $mongodb_unit backup --wait -m osm
+kubectl cp osm/$mongodb_pod:/data/backup.archive backup.archive
+#### Upgrade Juju
+The following commands will upgrade the OSM controller.
+sudo snap refresh juju --channel 2.9/stable
+juju upgrade-controller
+Next, for any native or proxy charms, upgrade each model.
+for model in $(juju models --format json | jq .models[].name | tr -d \") ; do
+ juju switch $model
+ juju upgrade-model
+#### Upgrade OSM Application
+for module in lcm mon nbi ng-ui pla pol ro; do
+ kubectl -n osm patch deployment ${module} --patch '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"name": "${module}", "image": "opensourcemano/${module}:${OSM_VERSION}"}]}}}}'
+ kubectl -n osm scale deployment ${module} --replicas=0
+ kubectl -n osm scale deployment ${module} --replicas=1
+# In order to make this change persistent after reboots,
+# you will have to update the files under /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods to reflect the changes
+for module in lcm mon nbi ng-ui pol ro prometheus; do
+ sudo sed -i "s/opensourcemano\/${module}:.*/opensourcemano\/${module}:${OSM_VERSION}/g" /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/${module}.yaml
+sudo sed -i "s/opensourcemano\/pla:.*/opensourcemano\/pla:${OSM_VERSION}/g" /etc/osm/docker/osm_pods/osm_pla/${module}.yaml
+At this point, OSM has been upgraded.
## Upgrade of 10.1.0 to 10.1.1 LTS
This procedure covers both the upgrade of 10.1.0 to 10.1.1 LTS. There are two installation methods, each with its own set of procedures: